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81 lines (75 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (75 loc) · 3.75 KB


generate bucklescript code from Javascript type specifications(now support Web IDL).


  • You can generate DOM Library which has latest functions implemented in browsers by Web IDL


opam install gen-bs


  • after version 0.1.0 , some options are available.
gen-bs <Web IDL file>
  • input a Web IDL file and output on standard output by default

Available options

option meaning example
-d / --dir input from Web IDL files in a directory gen-bs -d dir-name
-o / --output output to a file gen-bs -o input.webidl
-t / --type input json file which external defined types are written in. json format is eplained later gen-bs -t types.json input.webidl
-v / --version show version gen-bs -v
-T / --trace print backtrace when an error occurs gen-bs -T input.webidl

external type difinition

  • in order to generate cast function for external defined types, you can use the following format json file.
  [<type name in generated bucklescript>, <external defined type name>],
  ["_Window", "Dom.window"],
  • input this file by -t option
  • by this json, cast function (regarding with the above example, Window.to_Dom_window function which cast from _Window to Dom.window) will be generated

Generated code usage

Conversion rule

  • Enum type is converted to polymorphic variant type
  • Union type is converted to polymorphic variant type
  • Web IDL which mapped to Javascript object is converted to an abstract type and module
  • Variadic argument is converted to Array type
  • argguments are labbeled
  • enum, union, variadic is implemented by wrapper function
    • defining the same name function and convert arguments and return value.
  • overloaded methods are converted to 1 function
    • if converting argument to union is acceptable, then do it
    • else choose 1 method whose argument length is longest and throw away other methods
  • constants are defined in a module
  • example
category Web IDL BuckleScript
enum enum {"a", "b", "c"} [`a |`b |`c]
union (long or DOMString) [`Int of int | `String of string]
object interface Sample{ } type _Sample ... module Sample = ...
variadic argument long... int array
optional argument long method_a(optional long arg, ...) let method_a ?arg ... =
constant const VALUE=1 let _VALUE = 1


  • This tool is experimental
  • although BucklScript has DOM type definitions, this tool does not associate generated types with those types.
    • because some types in Web IDL are absent from BucklScript, inheritance relations could be fail.
  • Performance could be degraded because generated code uses some wrapper functions
    • the reason using wrapper is to support nested type conversion
      • for example, bucklescript supports enum by [@bs.string] but does not support an array of enum


  • use compilerlibs to make bucklescript code and print them
  • determine union return type automatically
  • make more test
    • use Travis CI
  • automatically generate DOM Library and merge to
