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Personal repo for learning advance React/JavaScript/TypeScript concepts with testing in the way.

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Setup for testing

Required packages

npm create vite@latest
# React -> TypeScript + SWC
npm i vitest happy-dom @testing-library/react @testing-library/user-event -D
# (optional) Added vitest ui for a web interface of each test env.
npm i -D @vitest/ui

Files modified:

It depends on documentation.

//package.json -> script test added.
"test": "vitest"
// vite.config.ts Add this line to the beginning of the file
/// <reference types="vitest" />
// then, after plugins, add a comma.
test: {
   environment: 'happy-dom',

Setup for Storybook with TailwindCSS and TypeScript

  • Packages for this step:
    • class-variance-authority
    • tailwind-merge
  • Install and setup TailwindCSS following docs
  • Install StoryBook following the docs
  • Import tailwindcss.css file into preview.ts
// .storybook/preview.ts
import 'tailwindcss/tailwind.css';

Now all tailwind classes will be available inside stories.

Currying and composition

Added an example inside util folder with test of and advance use of curried functions with function composition using de example of Yuri Bett, i just convert to TypeScript and add some test for better understanding.

currying example | currying test

Custom hooks with test

Descriptions/examples provided by Leschev, i just add generic support and testing


The advantages of using this custom hook are twofold: it simplifies the management of array states and provides a cleaner and more readable code structure.

useArray | test


The useAsync hook takes in a callback function that performs the asynchronous operation and an optional array of dependencies. It returns an object with three properties: loading, error, and value.

useAsync | test

Thats all by the moment of this learning path.
