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Bounded Synthesis For Streett, Rabin, and CTL*

There are two versions of CTL* synthesizer. One, called with ./ --direct, parses CTL* formula and encodes sys |= CTL* directly into SMT. Another, called with ./ --aht, first translates CTL* into AHT, then encodes non-emptiness of sys * AHT into SMT. Both should in theory have the same performance, but in practice, the direct approach is faster, due to my naive implementation of translation CTL* -> AHT.

Below we focus on the --aht version.

The synthesizer via AHTs works as follows:

  1. Parse the specification that describes inputs, outputs, and CTL* formula F. For this, we use files in python format.

  2. Convert F into a hesitant tree automaton using the procedure described in 1, using LTL3BA to convert path formulas into NBWs.

  3. For each system size k in increasing order:

    • encode "is there M_k: M_k * AHT != 0?" into SMT using Eq.5 where |M_k| = k.

    • call Z3 solver: if the solver returns "unsatisfiable", goto next iteration; otherwise print the model in the dot graph format.


Consider the specification from file

from helpers.spec_helper import *
from interfaces.spec import Spec

rs1, r1 = sig_prop('r1')
gs1, g1 = sig_prop('g1')
rs2, r2 = sig_prop('r2')
gs2, g2 = sig_prop('g2')

inputs = [rs1,rs2]
outputs = [gs1,gs2]

formula = ~g1 & ~g2 & \
          AG((r1 >> F(g1)) & (r2 >> F(g2))) & \
          AG(~(g1&g2)) & \

spec = Spec(inputs, outputs, formula)

Some techicality: rs1 means an object of class Signal, while r1 means the proposition rs1 = True; also: >> denotes implication, ~ means negation, and backslash is used to merge multi-lines into one.

To run it, from the tool root folder call

python3 ./ ./experiments-for-tacas/ --dot

(Call python3 ./ --help to see all possible parameters.)

You should get logs like

15:09:02  Namespace(bound=128, dot=None, incr=False, log=None, size=0, spec='./experiments-for-tacas/', tmp=False, verbose=0)
15:09:02  check_real
15:09:02  ctl2aht: 
 inputs: {r1, r2}
 outputs: {g2, g1}
 formula: !(g1=1) * !(g2=1) * A(G(!(r1=1) + F(g1=1) * !(r2=1) + F(g2=1))) * A(G(!(g1=1 * g2=1))) * A(G(E(F(!(g1=1) * !(g2=1) * !(r1=1) * !(r2=1)))))
15:09:02  replace_top_AEs
15:09:02  ctl2aht: 
 inputs: {r1, r2}
 outputs: {g2, g1}
 formula: E(F(A(G(g1=1 + g2=1 + r1=1 + r2=1))))

[cut away some logs]

15:10:35  The AHT automaton size (nodes/transitions) is: 13/24
15:10:35  search
15:10:35  searching a model of size 1..
15:10:36  solve
15:10:36  solving /home/ayrat/projects/party-elli/tmpvk05_g1q1.smt2
15:10:36  searching a model of size 2..
15:10:36  solve
15:10:36  solving /home/ayrat/projects/party-elli/tmpvk05_g1q1.smt2
15:10:36  searching a model of size 3..
15:10:36  solve
15:10:36  solving /home/ayrat/projects/party-elli/tmpvk05_g1q1.smt2
15:10:36  _parse_sys_model
15:10:36  FOUND model for sys
15:10:36  Moore model is written to

Most of the logs (that are cut) are taken by messages about translation of CTL* into AHT -- this is also the most difficult part to implement.

After getting an AHT, at moment 15:10:35, the tool starts SMT solving. In this example, the smallest model is of size 3. The model is written into which looks like (it may differ in your case, since there are many different models satisfying this spec, but the size should be 3):

That is all.

The folder experiments-for-tacas contains other specifications to try out. They are all realizable -- on unrealizable specs the tool does not terminate (hangs in iterating over model sizes).

If you wonder about alternating hesitant automata -- see small note in


  • Two encoders for CTL* are synthesis/ctl/ and synthesis/ctl/ The translation CTL* -> AHT is in ctl2aht_/

  • The encoder for LTL is in synthesis/ and

  • The input format for CTL* is python format, see examples in benchmarks/ctl and experiments-for-cav.


  1. Kupferman, O., Vardi, M.Y., Wolper, P.: An automata-theoretic approach to branching-time model checking.