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The 8-bit-sheep JSON Resume theme.

This theme follows the JSON Resume schema found at


You can add the theme to your resume by installing it with some of the following commands

npm i jsonresume-theme-8-bit-sheep
yarn add jsonresume-theme-8-bit-sheep
pnpm i jsonresume-theme-8-bit-sheep


resume export resume.html --theme 8-bit-sheep
resume export resume.pdf --theme 8-bit-sheep

Local development of the theme

The theme uses React, styled-components, and Vite. The builds are run with tsup and the bundle can be found from ./dist/index.js


  • node.js
  • npm


  • Run npm install
  • Start dev server with npm run dev. This starts a dev server on one of you localhost ports with help of Vite. The site is using resume.json as the source of information for the CV.

Local build

  • Run npm run build which will generate the JS build into ./dist
  • Run npm run create-example-html to generate the HTML build to ./build/html/example.html
  • Run npm run create-example-pdf to generate the PDF build to ./build/pdf/example.pdf


Unit tests can be run with npm run test. Tests are written with vitest.


The code style follows some basic recommendations in conjunction with prettier. To perform linting run npm run lint.


./.github/workflows/ci.yaml defines a CI pipeline that runs the build, linting, tests, and CV builds to assert that everything is working.

Publish new version

  • Make sure you are in the main-branch and that the new changes that you want to publish have been merged there
  • Run npm version <major|minor|patch> depending on what kind of changes have been made.
  • Run npm publish. This will run the build and publish the contents of ./dist.
  • Push the new commit directly to main with git push
  • Push the new tag created by npm publish by running git push origin <new_version>
  • Go to and click "Draft a new release".
    • Select the new tag that you just pushed and click "Generate release notes".
    • Publish the release