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Releases: 9thAzure/Complex_Shape_Creation

Release 2.1.1

24 Jun 05:28
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  • Added gui handlers, so the nodes can now be edited graphically. Currently, only the handler responsible for size and offset_rotation is implemented. (#66 #69)
  • Added method apply_transformation, which in most cases directly edits the current points of the shape. Compared to regenerating the shape, it is generally faster. (#55)
  • Property names have been changed to make them consistent across nodes. The old names still remain for compatibility reasons, and will be removed in the next major release. (#60 #61)


  • The beginnings of RegularGeometry2D has been added, holding some static functions that have been added or altered since its addition. It is still very incomplete (even its name isn't final), and so does not have C# interop. (#53)


  • Fixed inconsistencies in the width of rounded corners of a ringed shape when it is a complete ring and when it is an open ring (drawn_arc isn't ±TAU) (#54)
  • Fixed normal generated circles being rotated the opposite way. (#67)

Internal Changes

  • Added copy of the license at the root level, and updated README accordingly. (#68 #71)
  • Unit Tests have been improved. They now inherit from a custom class which adds a custom assert method for comparing deep equality approximately and a helper method for creating arrays of Vector2s (#59)

Forgot to change the plugin.cfg, so it still says version 2.1.0, oops.


22 Apr 00:41
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Also fixed the the addon's nodes not being exported.


22 Apr 01:00
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Fix issues with export files not including the actual node files.


23 Feb 06:25
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The exported files of this release/tag is non-functional. Use release v2.0.1 instead.

Major Changes

  • The namespace for the c# classes has been changed to ComplexShapeCreation
  • RegularCollisionPolygon2D can now generate star collision shapes with inner_size
  • Greatly enhance the functionality / uses of lines
  • Actually have a proper open source license

Minor Changes

  • Most nodes use _get_configuation_warnigns
  • RegularCollisionPolygon2D maintains the custom_solver_bias of its Shape2D when regenerating

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes to _init assigning to non-existent properties
  • Fix c# documentation breaks caused by inheritdoc being inherit doc
  • Prevent the assignment of Concave shapes in ConvexPolygonShape2D in RegularCollisionPolygon2D
  • Potential solution #14 by adding a very small gap when _add_hole_to_points is used
  • Fix RegularPolygon2D with improper circles
  • Fix offset_position not working with squares and circles in SimplePolygon2D

Internal Changes

  • Adds proper unit testing via GUT
  • Adds some visual tests
  • Added some documentation on how to use the tests
  • Queue functionality has been improved by using an int and constants to represent more queue states.
  • Rename the project to Complex Shape Creation


05 Aug 06:36
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updated to Godot 4.1
-added caching for circles (vertices_count = 1)
-minor documentation edits


11 Jul 23:15
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Version for Godot 4.0.2

  • StarPolygon2D using .resize() for full stars
  • Better file organization


27 May 06:07
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  • Added StarPolygon2D & its c# wrapper.

(I didn't create v1.0.0 release before working on this.)