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BraTS Tumor Segmentation Pipeline

This project contains the Tumor Segmentation Pipeline used to train a model to segment brain tumors from MRIs as part of the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Continuous Challenge. Data used in this repo were obtained as part of the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge project through Synapse ID (syn51156910). Data from the 2021 competition was used. Participation was also used as part of a group project in a Temple University graduate Computer Science course. The final report can be found here.

The pipeline heavily uses the MONAI module, which uses a PyTorch backend. The pipeline trains MONAI's built-in Residual UNet autoencoder neural network with BraTS data, and runs a test loop with the best model weights found during training. Models are saved in the trained_models directory, and are used in the script.

A GPU is required in order to train a model in a reasonable timeframe. When using a GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB GPU, each training epoch took ~20 minutes, so training over 150 epochs took over 2 days.

Local Setup

Python Setup

  • Install pyenv via instructions at and update .*rc file accordingly
  • Install Python 3.9 pyenv install 3.9.16
  • Create venv pyenv virtualenv 3.9.16 brats
  • Activate venv pyenv local brats
  • Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Data

  • Download zip of training data from the BraTS competition
    • If not affiliated with this specific team, request access to competition data from Synapse here and download training data zip directly from their site.
  • Move the file to ./local_data
  • Unzip the file
    • unzip
      • Exact filename will differ between competition years
  • Rename top level folder to train

Train Model

Script for training a model.

python --model [unet,segresnet] --epochs [1..n]

By default, unet and 150 are used.

View Training Results

The model with the best validation score will be saved to trained_models/<model name>-model.pth. Script will print test validation score, and results can be viewed via TensorBoard by running tensorboard --logdir runs or make results.

Training Loss and Validation Score data can also be exported from TensorBoard. If exported in a *.json, it can be used in the script to generate a plot of the loss and validation over each epoch. Note that this script is not paramaterized, so paths, etc. will need to be updated within the script, or set to match its current contents.

Tune Hyperparameters

Script for running an Optuna study for determining ideal model hyperparameters. Hyperparameters being tested can be modified within the nn.optunet.Optunet class.

Run the script, selecting one of the parameters in the list for each argument.

python -m [unet,segresnet] -e [1..n] --trials [1..n]

A model type must be selected, but by default, 50 epochs and 20 trials are used.

Note that the script can be stopped at any time with Ctrl+C and results will be retained in MLflow.

View Hyperparameter Optimization Results

To view the results of the study in MLflow, run mlflow server or make optuna_results.

Run Model

Script for running a trained model on an MRI.

Run the script, specifying the following arguments.

python -m <path to model> -i <path to NIfTI subdirectory containing all channel images and segmentation>

The script will generate a MatPlotLib image including three slices of the input image, the ground truth segmentation, and the segmentation generated by the model.