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131 lines (109 loc) · 5.43 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (109 loc) · 5.43 KB

Sephpa - Change Log

1.3.3 - Mar 4, 21

  • Fixed typo in ultmtCdtr (was ultmtCdrt before). The old version still works for backward compatibility.

1.3.2 - Feb 23, 21

  • Added support for keys pstladr and cdtrpstladr. Both are aliases for dbtrpstladr.

1.3.1 - Feb 14, 21

  • Fixed: sanitizing of new adrline inputs was broken in case an array was used.
  • SepaUtilities are now tested on PHP 8.0.

1.3.0 - Feb 13, '21

  • Minor code cleanup.
  • Add travis tests for PHP 7.3 and 7.4
  • Raise the minimal version to PHP 7.1. However, supported is only >=7.2 from now on.
  • Removed sanitizeShortText and sanitizeLongText as they were deprecated.
  • Added type hints basically everywhere.
  • Turned on strict_types.
  • Removed version option from check().
  • Add check for ultmtDbtrId, initgPtyId, adrline, ctry and dbtrpstladr, where dbtrpstladr is just a shorthand for an array containing at least one of ctry and adrline and nothing else.
  • Add sanitize function for adrline (it is just a 70-character text).
  • Add support for Swiss LSV+ DirectDebit (merged from hairacless/SepaUtilities)
  • Add support for Swiss Credit Transfer (merged from tobi76/SepaUtilities)
  • Fixed: Changed the keyword ultmtdebtr to ultmtdebtr in sanitize and check function. This was a misspelling and only partially supported.

1.2.5 - Feb 21, '18

  • added support for OrgId fields ID and BicOrBei. They can be used in check and sanitize functions using the keys orgid_id and orgid_bob.
  • added constants for max text lengths SepaUtilities::TEXT_LENGTH_VERY_SHORT, SepaUtilities::TEXT_LENGTH_SHORT and SepaUtilities::TEXT_LENGTH_LONG
  • The functions sanitizeShortText() and sanitizeLongText() are now deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. The replacement is sanitizeText() using the TEXT_LENGTH_* constants.

1.2.4 - Oct 22, '17

  • Added the function version2string to get a string representation of a SEPA file version.
  • Changed the long array syntax to the short syntax. This breaks support for PHP <5.4 but this should not be used and was never officially supported anyway.

1.2.3 - Nov 21, '16

  • added support for pain.008.001.02.austria.003

1.2.2 - Oct 18, '16

  • little bug fixes

1.2.1 - Oct 18, '16

  • added function to validate if two IBANs belong to the EEA (European Economic Area).

1.2.0 - Oct 16, '16

  • dropped PHP 5.5 support
  • added support for HHVM
  • added support for SEPA file formats pain.001.001.03 and pain.008.001.02.
    There are two variants of this file format, one from 2009 witch is used e.g. in the netherlands and one from 2016 specified in the Appendix 3 V3.0 used in germany where it is valid from November 2016. The two versions can be distinguished from each other via the new constants SEPA_PAIN_001_001_03 and SEPA_PAIN_001_001_03_GBIC respectively SEPA_PAIN_008_001_02 and SEPA_PAIN_008_001_02_GBIC, where the constants with e GBIC suffix correspond to the new german file version.
  • improved some functions robustness
  • added more tests to increase the code coverage
  • added new sanitizeDate() function

1.1.2 - Sep 21, '15

  • added some doc comments
  • fixed amount format check

1.1.1 - Feb 11, '15

  • added flag for replaceSpecialChars(), to prevent replacing german umlauts

1.1.0 - Feb 5, '15

  • made IBAN validation by checksum optional (defaults to true)
  • added optional IBAN validation by format (defaults to true)
  • added support for exceptional IBAN - BIC connections
  • Licence changed to LGPL

1.0.7 - Dec 18, '14

  • added checkInput(),sanitizeInput() and checkAndSanitizeInput() to validate user inputs. With this functions it is not required to check first, if an array index like $_POST['key1']['key2'] exists, before validating the values.

1.0.6 - Oct 24, '14

  • Bugfix: If 'forceLongBic' options is used in checkBic() the BIC was always extended by three characters without checking the length if the BIC is already long.

1.0.5 - Oct 20, '14

  • date methods now support TARGET2 days

1.0.4 - Oct 19, '14

  • bugfix

1.0.3 - Oct 19, '14

  • added checkCreateDateTime()

1.0.2 - Oct 18, '14

  • added to check():
    • purp: Purpose
    • ctgypurp: Category Purpose

1.0.1 - Oct 18, '14

  • added sanitizeShortText() and sanitizeLongText()
  • added checkAndSanitizeAll()
  • added crossCheckIbanBic()
  • added isNationalTransaction()
  • added checkRequiredCollectionKeys() and checkRequiredPaymentKeys()
  • added $options parameter to checkBic(), check() and checkAndSanitize()
  • added to check():
    • seqtp: sequence type
    • msgid: message identifier
    • amdmntind: amendment indicator
    • elctrncsgntr: electronic signature
    • reqdexctndt: requested execution date
    • reqdcolltndt: requested collection date
    • dtofsgntr: date of signature
  • added constants for SEPA version
  • added constants for the fields lclInst and seqTp
  • added constant BIC_REQUIRED_THRESHOLD

1.0.0 - Oct 17, '14

  • SepaUtilities is now a project on its own and available over composer
  • added support for cyrillic characters
  • added getDate() to get a date with an offset of workdays (all days but sundays)
  • fixed some bugs in replaceSpecialChars()