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Performing analysis on Kickstarter data to uncover trends using Excel (Advanced Excel)

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Kickstarting with Excel.

I used the knowledge of Excel to assist Louise who is an upcoming playwright (dramatist) and she has an intention to raise money for her project through crowdfunding. She intends to spend more than $10,000 in order to pay Fever. The knowledge of excel is used to help Louise to plan he project from start to finish. I then used Excel to determine whether she will be successful or fail in her project.

Overview of Project.

In this planned project, the knowledge of Excel would help Louise to understand some factors that are necessary and must be taking into consideration by Louise in order to be successful. Therefore, Excel is used to organize campaigns in different countries with specific target goals, the launch dates and the expected outcomes.


As I have stated earlier, the purpose of this data analysis is to help Louise, an upcoming playwright plan her proposed crowdfunding campaigns to raise more than $10,000 to pay Fever who will help her to actualize her drama project.

Analysis and Challenges

The Excel would be used to analyze different numbers of headings, such as goals, pledged, expected outcomes, the countries where the crowdfunding will be held, the launched date, the deadlines, the category and subcategory of events that would be performed. Rows and columns would be created for these headlines.

However, I think I would face a mountain of challenge in understanding how to first deal with the data, and how the table should be formed as well as my non-conversant with the use of Excel initially. Moreover, I believe would be able to weather the storm after some studies and the help of my TA instructor and other to help Louise in her project.

Analysis of Outcomes Based on Launch Date

The analysis of outcomes based on the launch date shows that Louise campaigns will be most successful in some dates that the others, in fact, it helps us to understand those that would be canceled, and those that are likely going to fail and their respective launch date (Months and years. The Excel analysis shows that the project would be most successful in the United States between the months of April and June, and it would be least successful in the month of Jan, March, September and December according to the line chart.

Analysis of Outcomes Based on Goals

The analysis of outcomes based on goals help would help Louise to understand the estimated thousands of dollars that would be successfully raised at specific levels of probability or certainty.

Challenges and Difficulties Encountered

Indeed, I encountered some issues as expected in using Excel to help Louise plan and analyze her crowdfunding project. The reason was not far-fetched because, I was not used to Excel before and I had to struggle sometimes to work with it, however, with the assistance of my TA instructor and others, I was able to weather the storm and started getting used to the Excel now. I now have opportunity to help Louise with her project based on this report.


The results indicate that Louise would be successful in many instances, but she might also fail in few instances if care is not taken. In order to be successful, she needs to take some factors into consideration. One of those factors is the timing (months) of an event. The results show that Louise would be more successful on some months than the others and raise more funds in some months than others according to the line charts.

  • What are two conclusions you can draw about the Outcomes based on Launch Date?

The two conclusions are:

(1) We are able to understand that Louise could raise more funds and be successful at certain launch dates than others. (2) Louise has higher levels or percentage or certainty of success rates than failure, therefore, Louise will be able to achieve and possibly surpass her expectations.

  • What can you conclude about the Outcomes based on Goals?

The chart generally shows that Louise has lower percentage of raising big, however, could still raise between $30,000 and $40,000 at higher percentage (certainty), as well as raising more fund in the range of $1000 and $3000 than others

  • What are some limitations of this dataset?

One of the limitations of the dataset is reliability. How reliable the data. The outcomes and the conclusions of the dataset might be totally different from the reality.

  • What are some other possible tables and/or graphs that we could create?

We could also create many other tables and graphs from the big data analyzed. For example, only the United States was filtered, other countries could be used to create tables and the results of Louise campaigns could be analyzed as well.

Even, we can create pie chart for the percentage success, failure and cancel rates etc.


Performing analysis on Kickstarter data to uncover trends using Excel (Advanced Excel)







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