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Register WeChat App Id

Marcon edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

WeChat Pay In-App

This document describes the steps that a merchant would need to take to be able to offer WeChat Pay on their iOS app.

1. Register for a developer account on the WeChat Open Platform

The WeChat Open Platform is the WeChat platform for developers to register their Mobile Applications and Official Accounts on.


The Open platform enables merchants to integrate WeChat functionalities like WeChat Pay, WeChat Sign In and Mini Programs.

When registering for a developer account, merchants would needs to: • Provide KYC details like proof of address, business registration documents, and also 6 months of their phone bills of their mobile number used to register the account. • Pay a yearly registration fee. • WeChat will contact the merchant to confirm the details sent. • The total process can take between 4-6 weeks.

2. Register your Mobile App on the Open Platform


Once merchants have verified their Developer access, they can start creating Mobile applications on the Open Platform. When creating an App, they need to include following details: • Application Name • Short Introduction • Official Website

For iOS, they would need to provide the App Store download link plus the Bundle ID (iOS app unique identifier) If the app has yet to be launched, you can leave this blank and modify this later.


3. App Approved

Once the App has been approved, the merchant will receive an AppID and AppSecret (generated). These two details are required from the merchant to provide to Adyen in order to use the Checkout SDK.

4. On board merchant on Adyen

The merchant should be onboarded by Adyen in order for us to generate a payment MID for them. The Payment MID will be used in order for WeChat to know where the settlement to be sent to for a WeChat Payment made via In-App.

Adyen Sales Support team will assist in this MID creation, and support will need to configure all the details on the Acquire Account created for the merchant.

5. Integrate with Checkout SDK

You can follow the instructions on AdyenWeChatPay Readme