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A React component for a customizable and interactive spinning wheel game. This npm package provides a visually appealing and interactive spin wheel game that can be easily integrated into your React applications.


Check out the live demo to see the spin wheel game in action!


npm install spin-wheel-game


import React from 'react';
import { SpinWheel, ISpinWheelProps } from 'spin-wheel-game';

const segments = [
  { segmentText: 'Option 1', segColor: 'red' },
  { segmentText: 'Option 2', segColor: 'blue' },
  { segmentText: 'Option 3', segColor: 'green' },
  // Add more segments as needed

const MySpinWheel: React.FC = () => {
  const handleSpinFinish = (result: string) => {
    console.log(`Spun to: ${result}`);
    // Handle the result as needed

  const spinWheelProps: ISpinWheelProps = {
    onFinished: handleSpinFinish,
    primaryColor: 'black',
    contrastColor: 'white',
    buttonText: 'Spin',
    isOnlyOnce: false,
    size: 290,
    upDuration: 100,
    downDuration: 600,
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    arrowLocation: 'top',
    showTextOnSpin: true,
    isSpinSound: true,

  return <SpinWheel {...spinWheelProps} />;

export default MySpinWheel;


  • segments: An array of objects representing the segments of the wheel. Each object should have a segmentText property, and optionally a segColor property for specifying the segment color.

  • onFinished: A callback function that will be called when the wheel stops spinning. It receives the result as a string.

  • primaryColor (optional): The primary color of the wheel. Default is 'black'.

  • contrastColor (optional): The contrast color used for text and needle. Default is 'white'.

  • buttonText (optional): The text displayed in the center button of the wheel. Default is 'Spin'.

  • isOnlyOnce (optional): A boolean indicating whether the wheel can be spun only once. Default is false.

  • size (optional): The size of the wheel in pixels. Default is 290.

  • upDuration (optional): The duration of the spin-up animation in milliseconds. Default is 100.

  • downDuration (optional): The duration of the spin-down animation in milliseconds. Default is 600.

  • fontFamily (optional): The font family used for text. Default is 'Arial'.

  • arrowLocation (optional): The location of the arrow on the needle, either 'center' or 'top'. Default is 'top'.

  • showTextOnSpin (optional): A boolean indicating whether to show the spun result text after spinning. Default is true.

  • isSpinSound (optional): A boolean indicating whether to play the spinning audio or not. Default is true.


We welcome contributions to improve this project! Please check out our file for guidelines on how to get started.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to open an issue or reach out to the maintainers.

Thank you for your contributions!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.