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New version of the SailingRobots Website

The website needs to be more user-friendly in order to be used by biologists. To do that, the new UI should offer a clear view of measurements/samplings that would have been made on previous missions.

Current Features :

What has been done so far :

  • New UI, using Gentelella Bootstrap Template (by Colorlib)
  • Log-in system, need to be 'admin' to configure ASPire
  • Synchronisation of the server DB with ASPire DB
  • More user-friendly interface for route planning

What needs to be done :

  • Graphs / tables with data
  • Right Management system (see profile/


There are 4 DB used by the website

DB Name Purpose
Janet DB ithaax_testdata Janet DB, also used by the previous wesite
ASPire DB ithaax_aspire_config ASPire DB
Website ithaax_website_config handles the registered users
Mission ithaax_mission handles the list of waypoints and checkpoints as well as the mission


  • Check the different sub-folder READMEs to have a better overview of the work