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The author of this issue or Pull Request is not responding
This Issue or Pull Request already exists
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed, this user requires assistance to complete the work
Further information is requested
Completed work has been released
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
Progress on the issue is Blocked, immediate attention is required
Status: Complete
Status: Complete
Owner has completed work and considers it ready to be merged
Status: Review Needed
Status: Review Needed
Work is completed, user is requesting feedback
Status: Work In Progress
Status: Work In Progress
Issue or Pull Request work is in Progress
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Bug or Bug fixes
Type: CI
Type: CI
Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
Type: Content
Type: Content
Adding or editing content
Type: Dependencies
Type: Dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Type: Design
Type: Design
New Design
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Documentation only changes
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
New Feature
Type: Refactoring
Type: Refactoring
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
Type: UI Update
Type: UI Update
Changes to the user interface