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The Alberti Protocol SDK is a comprehensive toolkit for cryptographic operations, including message encryption, decryption, signing, verification, and identity management. applications.

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Alberti Protocol SDK

The Alberti Protocol SDK is a comprehensive toolkit for cryptographic operations, including message encryption, decryption, signing, verification, and identity management. applications.


npm install @albertiprotocol/sdk

Function Overview

Key Management

  1. generateKeyPair()

    • Generates a new key pair (private and public key).
    • Example usage:
      const { privateKey, publicKey } = generateKeyPair();
  2. privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)

    • Converts a given private key to its corresponding public key.
    • Example usage:
      const publicKey = privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey);

Message Signing and Verification

  1. signMessage(privateKeyHex, message)

    • Signs a message using the provided private key.
    • Example usage:
      const signature = signMessage(privateKey, 'Hello, world!');
  2. verifySignature(publicKeyHex, message, signatureHex)

    • Verifies a message against a signature using the provided public key.
    • Example usage:
      const isValid = verifySignature(publicKey, 'Hello, world!', signature);

Message Encryption and Decryption

  1. encryptMessageWithPublicKey(message, recipientPublicKey)

    • Encrypts a message using the recipient's public key.
    • Example usage:
      const encryptedMessage = encryptMessageWithPublicKey('Hello, World!', publicKey);
  2. decryptMessageWithPrivateKey(encryptedMessage, recipientPrivateKey)

    • Decrypts an encrypted message using the recipient's private key.
    • Example usage:
      const decryptedMessage = decryptMessageWithPrivateKey(encryptedMessage, privateKey);

Hashing and Difficulty Verification

  1. hashMessage(message)

    • Generates a SHA-256 hash of the given message.
    • Example usage:
      const messageHash = hashMessage('Hello, world!');
  2. difficultyverify(difficulty, hash)

    • Verifies that a given hash meets the specified difficulty criteria.
    • Example usage:
      const isValid = difficultyverify(4, '0000abcdef');

Template Functions

  1. postTemplate(content, hashtags = [], attachments = [], parentID = null)

    • Creates a template for a post with specified content, hashtags, attachments, and optional parent ID.
    • Example usage:
      const post = postTemplate('This is a test post.', ['test', 'post'], [{ type: 'image', url: '' }]);
  2. metaTemplate(name, about, image, website, followed = [], hashtags = [])

    • Creates a template for metadata with specified details such as name, about, image, website, followed users, and hashtags.
    • Example usage:
      const meta = metaTemplate('Test User', 'This is a test user.', '', '', ['user1', 'user2'], ['test', 'user']);

Data Commit Creation and Verification

  1. createCommit(privateKey, data, type, difficulty = 3)

    • Generates a commit object by signing a data payload and ensuring it meets the specified difficulty criteria.
    • Example usage:
      const commit = createCommit(privateKey, postData, 'post', 4);
  2. verifyCommit(commit, difficulty = 3)

    • Validates the structure, signature, and difficulty of a commit object.
    • Example usage:
      const isValid = verifyCommit(commit, 4);

Example Usage

Generate a Key Pair

const { generateKeyPair } = require('./alberti-sdk');
const { privateKey, publicKey } = generateKeyPair();
console.log(`Private Key: ${privateKey}`);
console.log(`Public Key: ${publicKey}`);

Encrypt and Decrypt a Message

const { encryptMessageWithPublicKey, decryptMessageWithPrivateKey } = require('./alberti-sdk');

// Encrypt message
const encryptedMessage = encryptMessageWithPublicKey('Hello, World!', publicKey);
console.log(`Encrypted Message: ${encryptedMessage.ciphertext}`);

// Decrypt message
const decryptedMessage = decryptMessageWithPrivateKey(encryptedMessage, privateKey);
console.log(`Decrypted Message: ${decryptedMessage}`);

Create and Verify a Commit

const { createCommit, verifyCommit, postTemplate } = require('./alberti-sdk');

// Define post data
const postData = postTemplate('Hello, world!', [], []);

// Create commit
const commit = createCommit(privateKey, postData, 'post', 4);

// Verify commit
const isValid = verifyCommit(commit, 4);
console.log(`Is the commit valid? ${isValid}`);

Running Tests

To ensure all functionalities are working correctly, we have a set of tests. Run these tests using the following command:

node test.js

The tests include:

  • Key generation and verification
  • Message signing and signature verification
  • Difficulty verification
  • Message hashing
  • Message encryption and decryption
  • Template creation (post and meta)
  • Commit creation and verification


We welcome contributions from the community. If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

Join us in building a more secure and private internet with Alberti, redefining privacy and security in the digital age.


The Alberti Protocol SDK is a comprehensive toolkit for cryptographic operations, including message encryption, decryption, signing, verification, and identity management. applications.




