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Laboratory work on an academic subject: "Programming dynamic data structures"

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Laboratory work on an academic subject: "Programming dynamic data structures"


  1. Laboratory work 1
    1.1. Creating an empty set
    1.2. Checking for an empty set
    1.3. Checking whether an element belongs to a set
    1.4. Adding a new element to the set
    1.5. The power of the set
    1.6. Creating a set
    1.7. Output of elements of the set
    1.8. Deleting a set (clearing the memory occupied by the list)

Laboratory work 1. Creating functions that implement operations for creating work with sets

A singly connected list of integer values is used to represent the set. OOP is not applied due to restrictions on the terms of reference

File name File Contents
Lab1_12_Kudashov.cpp Main program
SetLab1_12_Kudashov.h Function set header file
SetLab1_12_Kudashov.cpp Function set implementation file

Creating an empty set - Node* creatingAnEmptySet()

Input parameters: None.
Output parameters: a pointer to the first element of the list, equal to NULL.

Checking for an empty set - bool emptySet(Node* first)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first item in the list.
Output parameters: Boolean value.

Checking whether an element belongs to a set - bool checkingOfExistence(Node* first, int checking_value)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first element of the list, the value of the element.
Output parameters: Boolean value.

Adding a new element to the set - Node* add(Node*& first, int adding_value)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first element of the list, a value to be added to the list.
Output parameters: a pointer to the first element of the result list.
Restriction: Adding an item to the top of the list.

The power of the set - int powerOfTheSet (Node* first)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first item in the list.
Output parameters: integer value.

Creating a set - Node* creatingSet(int quantity, int min, int max, int k)

Input parameters: the number of elements, the range of acceptable values (from min to max). k is the multiplicity coefficient for checking the satisfaction of the condition.
Output parameters: a pointer to the first element of the result list. Generation of values by a random number sensor.
Requirement: check the possibility of creating a set with the specified parameters.

Output of elements of the set - string printSet(Node* first, string separator)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first element of the list, a separator character.
Output parameters: a string containing elements of a set separated by a separator character.
Requirements: there should not be a separator at the end of the result line.

Deleting a set (clearing the memory occupied by the list) - Node* deleteSet(Node*& first)

Input parameters: a pointer to the first item in the list.
Output parameters: a pointer to the first element of the list, equal to NULL.



Laboratory work on an academic subject: "Programming dynamic data structures"





