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# `Aman-Hotel` Full Stack Hotel-Booking App (pwa)

Project Demo 👇



  • Select Rooms
    • Select check-in and check-out dates from the calendar
    • select Guests = adult | children | babies
  • Rooms Filter by
    • Guests number
    • check-in - check-out date
    • Facilities of Rooms
    • Conditions of rooms
    • Room Type
    • Price range of rooms
  • Sorting Rooms
    • Descending by roomNumber
    • Ascending by roomNumber
    • High to Low Price
    • Low to High Price
    • Popular by countReviews
    • High rating
  • Room display count per page
    • 12 room default show
    • display 15 rooms
    • display 18 rooms
    • display 24 rooms
  • Dynamic pagination to calculate all rooms
  • Room Search

    • Search Rooms by room number
    • previous search history shows
    • single / all search history delete
  • Single Rooms page

    • Rooms
      • show all image
      • show Facilities,Rules,title,descriptions
      • show Special Note
    • Reviews (Real Time,like google play store review)
      • show all Reviews with rating
      • Give a Review about the room with Rating Star (only loggedIn Users)
      • show review created and updated time
      • The overall rating show calculate by all reviews
      • give a like in the review (toggle system)
      • Edit review and rating (LoggedInUser)
      • delete review (admin or LoggedInUser)
    • Booking Form
      • date change
      • guess number change
      • total price is shown by calculating the per night, service charge and discount(10%)
    • confirm Booking form (Different Page)
      • show booking all info and give extra information (like payment getway and user info,etc.)
  • user account (private)

    • Account Dashboard (show all account shortcut info and upcoming bookings)
    • account profile
      • update profile photo
      • update account others info
    • account booking
      • show all previous and upcoming bookings
      • Booking processing show through the stepper and status bar
      • booking process step by Requested, Accepted, Confirmed, Reviewed, and Completed
      • show booking all info like Details, Billing Address, Payment Method, Price Details
    • account reviews
      • show all reviews given by yourself
      • also customize the review from here
    • account liked
      • show all liked given by yourself
      • also customize the Like form here
    • account favorite -> show all favorite list and delete
  • Dark and light mode option

  • Progressive web app
    • Show app install Banner first time
    • after not installing this app then one day later it also shows again
  • Mobile device extra part
    • bottom navigation
    • search Different Page
    • account list different page (private)
    • header list drawer
    • room filter Different Page
  • Responsive
    • Responsive on all device like desktop,laptop, tab and Mobile

Live Project Demo

Technologies Used




MIT © Amanullah Nirob

Mobile App Screenshots

Home Page Light Home Page Dark Room Page

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