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title: The Rise of the Tamagotchi tags: ['c-sharp', 'console', 'api', 'ef-core', 'dotnet']

This project will create an API that allows a user to create and care for a virtual pet, reminiscent of a Tamagotchi. The basic functionality will include the four parts of a web API: create, read, update, and delete.


  • Create an API that implements CRUD features against a database.
  • Practice creating ASP.NET Web API endpoints.
  • Practice EF Core.


dotnet new sdg-api -o TamagotchiAPI


Explorer Mode

  • Create and new sdg-api that has the following features

  • You may use dotnet ef migrations add or pgcli + CREATE TABLE - You the student can choose which you prefer to use.

  • Create a database with a table named Pets.

    • Should use a POCO called Pet with the following columns:
      • Id (int - automatic primary key)
      • Name (string)
      • Birthday (DateTime)
      • HungerLevel (int)
      • HappinessLevel (int)
  • Create a table named Playtimes that has the following columns:

    • Id (int - automatic primary key)
    • When (DateTime)
    • PetId (int - foreign key to Pet)
  • Create a table named Feedings that has the following columns:

    • Id (int - automatic primary key)
    • When (DateTime)
    • PetId (int - foreign key to Pet)
  • Create a table named Scoldings that has the following columns:

    • Id (int - automatic primary key)
    • When (DateTime)
    • PetId (int - foreign key to Pet)

The API will have the following endpoints.

  • GET /Pets should return all pets in your database.
  • GET /Pets/{id} should return the pet with the corresponding id.
  • POST /Pets should create a new pet. The controller should ensure the following: Birthday defaults to the current DateTime, HungerLevel defaults to 0 and HappinessLevel defaults to 0.
  • DELETE /Pets/{id}, should delete a pet from the database by Id
  • POST /Pets/{id}/Playtimes should find the pet by id and add five to its happiness level and add three to its hunger level. It should also create a new Playtime for this pet and the current time.
  • POST /Pets/{id}/Feedings should find the pet by id and subtract five from its hunger level and add three to its happiness level. It should also create a new Feeding for this pet and the current time.
  • POST /Pets/{id}/Scoldings should find the pet by id and subtract five from its happiness level. It should also create a new Scolding for this pet and the current time.

Demonstrate the API works

  • Using Insomnia, create three Pets. Include a screenshot containing the API request and the response. Post the image in the comment when turning in the assignment.
  • Using Insomnia, create a playtime for one of your pets. Show the API request and the response. Post the image in the comment when turning in the assignment.
  • Using Insomnia, create a feeding for one of your pets. Show the API request and the response. Post the image in the comment when turning in the assignment.
  • Using Insomnia, create a scolding for one of your pets. Show the API request and the response. Post the image in the comment when turning in the assignment.
  • Using Insomnia, show the details of all the pets. Show the API request and the response. Post the image in the comment when turning in the assignment.

Adventure Mode

Add the following features to the API

  • Add columns LastInteractedWithDate (DateTime). When a pet is updated, set the LastInteractedWithDate to the current time. Add a property named IsDead to your Pet. The logic of this method will return true if LastInteractedWithDate is over three days old; otherwise, it will return false`.
  • Add a query parameter to GET /Pets that only returns Pets that are alive.

Epic mode

Create a console app that interacts with the API that:

  • Allows the user to see all pets
  • Select a pet to take care of and then play with, scold, or feed the selected pet.
  • Create a new pet.
  • Delete a pet.