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Periodicals system

This is a web application with Spring Boot backend and jQuery-Bootstrap-Thymeleaf frontend.


Periodicals are magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, newsletters, etc. They are publications that are published at regular intervals. Daily newspapers, weekly magazines, and quarterly journals are all periodicals.

An Administrator manages the catalog of Publications.

A Reader can subscribe to Publications from the list.

The system calculates the amount to pay and registers order.

Minimal requirements

  • JDK 1.8

  • Apache Maven 3.6.1

  • PostgreSQL 11.3

Running app


  • create database with name periodicals

  • set your username and password for the db in src/main/resources/application.yml

  • at the first run schema public in your db must be empty

  • make sure that TCP port for PostgreSQL is 5432

  • you can also change database url in app properties


  • to run app use command mvn spring-boot:run

  • app will be running at port 8080

  • change port in app properties if needed

Using app


By default, there are two users with usernames u and a with password p.

User u is a Reader and a is an Administrator.


  • http://localhost:8080 - home page

  • /login - login page

  • /logout - logout page

  • /catalog - view publications and add them to the basket

  • /basket - view and manage the basket, register order

  • /edit - manage publications, only accessible by admin


  • to run tests use command mvn test -B

  • app use Travis CI, so tests will be automatically running after each push to the repo