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58 lines (50 loc) · 4.75 KB

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58 lines (50 loc) · 4.75 KB


Branching model

We use the GitHub flow

Commit messages

We use conventional commits Please als add an issue and the issue number as prefix to your commit message header description.

git commit -m "<type>[optional scope]: (#ticket_nr) <description>"


Feel free to add emojis to your message.

Emoji Raw Emoji Code Type Description
:star: new or feature add new feature
🐛 :bug: bug fix bug issue
🚑 :ambulance: bug ciritial hotfix bug issue
🔒 :lock: security fix security issue
📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend: performance fix performance issue
:zap: improvement update backwards-compatible feature
💥 :boom breaking update backwards-incompatible feature
⚠️ :warning: deprecated deprecate feature
🌐 :globe_with_meridians: i18n update or fix internationalization
:wheelchair: a11y update or fix accessibility
💄 :lipstick: update update UI/Cosmetic
🆙 :up: update update other
🚨 :rotating_light: refactor remove linter/strict/deprecation warnings
👕 :shirt: refactor refactoring or code layouting
:white_check_mark: test add tests
💚 :green_heart: test fix tests failur or CI building
📝 :pencil: docs update documentation
©️ :copyright: docs decide or change license
🍭 :lollipop: example for example or demo codes
⬆️ :arrow_up: dependency upgrade dependencies
⬇️ :arrow_down: dependency downgrade dependencies
📌 :pushpin: dependency pin dependencies
🔧 :wrench: config update configuration
📦 :package: build packaging or bundling or building
🐣 :hatching_chick: release initial commit
🎊 :confetti_ball: release release major version
🎉 :tada: release release minor version
:sparkles: release release patch version
🚀 :rocket: release deploy to production enviroment
🔖 :bookmark: release tagged with version label
🔙 :back: revert revert commiting
🚧 :construction: wip WIP commiting
🚚 :truck: move move or rename files, repository, ...
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: - merge conflict resolution
:heavy_plus_sign: - add files, dependencies, ...
:heavy_minus_sign: - remove files, dependencies, ...
🔛 :on: - enable feature and something ...