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Semantic Hierarchical Graph for Navigation

Creates a hierarchical data structure where each node in a graph is a new graph.


The main achievements of this work are:

  1. Navigate in muti-story environments in shared human-robot spaces
  2. The environment can be arbitrary complex with multiple hierarchy levels:
    • Campus
    • Building
    • Floor
    • Room
    • Roadmaps / Locations
  3. Plan in the hierarchy graph COMPLETE and OPTIMAL with Djikstra.
  4. Plan on gridmap level COMPLETE but NOT optimal with ILIR (Iterative largest interior rectangles), instead choose paths which avoid public crowded spaces by design.
    • Introduce new metric for disturbance of public space
  5. Integrate planner in ROS2 Foxy Navigation stack as plugin
  6. (TODO) Include semantic information about the environment in path planning.
    • Define no-go zones or reduced speed zones
    • Add important locations (pick-up points, elevator, info, toilet, ...)
  7. (TODO) Provide GUI for easily adding and editing semantic information

Datastructure of the Semantic Hierarchical Graph (SHG)

The graph for navigation is build with one single node class.
Each node holds a graph with all its sublevel children.
This makes it possible to plan recursive through all hierarchies:

path_dict = G.plan_recursive(["Building F", "Floor 0", "Lab"], ["Building A", "Floor 1", "Cantina"])
    "Building F": {
        "Floor 0": {
            "Lab": {},
            "Staircase": {},
            "Floor 1_Staircase_bridge": {}
        "Floor 1": {
            "Floor 0_Staircase_bridge": {},
            "Staircase": {},
            "Corridor": {},
            "Kitchen": {},
            "Building A_Floor 1_Cantina_bridge": {}
        "Building A_Floor 1_bridge": {}
    "Building A": {
        "Building F_Floor 1_bridge": {},
        "Floor 1": {
            "Building F_Floor 1_Kitchen_bridge": {},
            "Cantina": {}

Comparison hierarchical vs non-hierarchical graph planning

(OUTDATED) comparison

On large environments it can take very long to find the path. With The Hierarchical structure only the subgraphs which are relevant for the path on the meta graph are searched. Comparison for graph shown above with only 3 levels of hierarchy and 23 leaf nodes

Recursive function in hierarchical tree:

python -m timeit -r 10 -s 'from semantic_hierarchical_graph.main import main; G = main()' 'G.plan_recursive(["Building F", "Floor 0", "Lab"], ["Building A", "Floor 0", "Entrance"])'

5000 loops, best of 10: 85.7 usec per loop

Package networkx.shortest_path on full leaf graph:

python -m timeit -r 10 -s 'from semantic_hierarchical_graph.main import main; G = main()' 'G.plan(["Building F", "Floor 0", "Lab"], ["Building A", "Floor 0", "Entrance"])'

10000 loops, best of 10: 24.3 usec per loop

Creation of the graph from floor plans

  1. Recieve SLAM mapping result from the laserscanners of the mobile robot

  2. (TODO) Preprocess map, filter noise, rotated to be orthogonal with grid Alt text

  3. Segmentation of floor map into rooms with marker-controlled watershed algorithm (opencv). Detect doors as bridge points with most clearance to walls. Alt text

  4. Transform each room and its obstacles into a shapely environment tho perform geometric collision checks. A safety margin is added with erosion. Alt text

  5. Plan collision free roadmap for predefined navigaton to avoid public crowded spaces by design. Iterativly merge the largest interior ractangles found by the LIR algorithm (github) for each room. The resulting polygon is the no-go zone to avoid driving straight through the room. Detect if room is a corridor and collapse polygon to a line in the middle. All bridge points are connected with A* algorithm to the polygon to ensure completeness. This connection is smoothed with algorithm from Bechtold and Glavina to reduce the number of nodes. Alt text

  6. (TODO) Transform buildings and floor into hierarchical graph

  7. Transform floor layout into graph with rooms as nodes. Alt text

  8. Transform roadmap for each room into graph with doors as bridge nodes to other rooms. Alt text

  9. Recursivley plan the optimal path through all hierarchies with the SHGPlanner. In each room plan the shortest path (complete but not optimal) given by the roadmap. Concat all paths on lowest level thogether to make path executable by a mobile robot.

    path_dict, distance = G.plan_recursive(["ryu", "room_16", "(88, 358)"], ["ryu", "room_12", "(1526, 480)"])

    Alt text

  10. Send global path to the ROS2 navigation plugin to be executed by a mobile robot. Local path, dynamic obstacle avoidance and smoothing is done by the controller server of the navigation stack.

Navigate over multiple floors

  1. Integrate hierarchical planner as plugin into Nav2 stack. Alt text
  2. Hierarchical planner uses H-Graph to recursively find the optimal solution. Alt text
  3. Behavior tree executes the multi-floor navigation with elevator changes. Alt text

Evaluation against other path planners

Evaluation is only done per room level for the roadmap as other planners can not plan hierarchically.
Planners to compare:

  • ILIR (complete) -> this work
  • A* (complete and optimal)
  • PRM (probibalistic)
  • RRT (probibalistic)

Alt text

Avoid public crowded spaces by design

All planners have the same start and goal points. Which consist of all doors and 10 random points. This results in 78 total planned paths in this example room.
To measure the capability of the different planners to navigate in shared human-robot spaces, these metrics are indicators:

  • Disturbance The area inside the room which is not traversed by the robot when all paths are overlayed. A lower value shows less disturbance of public space.
  • Distance to centroid The mean distance from the path to the centroid. A higher distance shows that the path is close to the walls and not in the center of the room.
  • Distance std The mean standard deviation of the distance from path to obstacle. A lower value shows a more consistent, less fluctuating path.

Comparision of the disturbance of public space for the A* and ILIR planner.

Alt text Alt text

Demonstration Video

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

How to start with ROS2

ros2 launch shg

docker exec -it semantic_hierarchical_graph bash
ros2 launch shg



  • (optional) use dist_transform instead of ws_erosion
  • remove brisde points which are in collision with ws_erosion
  • clear bridge edges in the beginning with dist_transform or ws_erosion
  • Detect if the whole room is a corridor (With corridor width thresholds) and don't collapse rectangles in other rooms -> Add is_corridor flag to rooms
  • Adjust planning in graph for multiple possible paths. Plan all paths and compare lenghts for shortest
  • Make sure correct hierarchy distances are in the graph edges
  • Do not generate multiple rectangles. Only keep largest merged one and connect bridge points with A*
  • Add shortest distance between each nodes on 1+ level as distance on edge
  • Special case for start and goal point (networkx all_simple_paths, all_shortest_paths)
  • Special case if two rooms are connected with two different doors. Find cases plan all paths and decided after with shortest distance
  • Check if all paths in one room are one connected component. Sometimes there are separated paths due to rounding errors
  • Fix error with min distance. Shortest path per room has dependencies to bridge nodes also for paths in next room
  • Update planners with new versions from Björn

Every bridge point has to be connected

  • 1. straight line connection
  • (No) 2. visibility algorithm with lines in random directions
  • (No) 2.1. Find orthogonal lines between bridge point and closest path and find third point on this line which connects both
  • (No) 2.2. Change the angle of the line in x degree steps and change distance of thrid point in x steps
  • 3. A*
  • 3.1 Make all points of path valid goal points for A*
  • 3.2 Dont limit the scene
  • 3.3 Improve lookup time in A* for multiple goal points with hashable sets
  • Check if valid path between all bridge points


  • Find shortcuts in the graph but not through largest rectangle
  • Implement deterministic smoothing by bechthold and glavina

Make 3 levels of connectivity:

  • 1. only connect in straight lines
  • 3. connect all vertexes which are possible
  • (No) Implement metric to measure effects

Integrate with SH-Graph

  • create graph from paths
  • integrate room graph into sh-graph
  • Make SHGPlanner able to plan from arbitrary positions and connect to roadmap
  • Move map transformation into Position class


  • Make fair time comparison. Add time for roadmap generation to ilir planning time.
  • Smooth all planners except ILIR
  • Evaluation per floor. Compare against all other planners planning on complete floor map vs hierarchical ILIR
  • Automate process to generate only metric diagramms
  • Evaluate against roadmap of prm or rrt
  • Make ILIR revert graph faster like in SHGPlanner
  • Create LTC extrem test environment to show multiple hierarchy connections and campus, building, floor, room, .. level
  • LTC Test How many unique paths in leaf graph? How many nodes are searched?
  • Add Metric for longer straight path. Average length of path before a turn is made.
  • Straight path length etc has to be evaluated on ROS level with the nav2 standard planners


  • Add function to add semantic locations later into the graph and update env
  • GUI Editor to change graph nodes and add semantic locations and areas

ROS node environment model

  • Wrap in python ros node
  • Create service for planning
  • Improve launch files with arguments as intended
  • Interpolate between graph points
  • Consider Orientation in each point
  • Fix connection from room7 to corridor
  • Improve decoupled service call to python planner
  • Plan around dynamic obstacles (Maybe just configure Local Planner)
  • Simulate floor change
  • Fix cleanup revert to original graph, Erros: Found paths 513000
  • Use correct floors for hierarchical planning
  • Fix orientation
  • Fix direction of path to roadmap added

Floor change

  • Start multiple map servers with each floor map
  • change floor map in RVIZ per topic
  • plan in rviz and give as map frame the floor name
  • In SHG Planner take floor name from frame_id and plan to respective floor
  • Create behavior tree action to trigger floor change
  • Gazebo service to teleport robot to next floor
  • Behavior tree to coordinate complete change
  • Split change_map function to separate from simulation


  • Show panel with subplots for each hierarchy with planned path
  • CLI tool which launches map server and rviz. Guide through creation of elevator connections. With clicked point and map change. Save positions in graph.yaml

Real Robot Implementation

  • Create roadmap of IRAS Lab
  • Create Roadmap of Augsburg hospital
  • Change robot to neobotix
  • Which neobotix robot is used on PeTRA mpo500 mp500
  • Integrate ROS2 Navigation Stack

Lessons Learned

  • Problem with obstacles in middle of the room
  • Make multiple rectagnles / polygons connect to each other
  • Use Voronoi diagram
  • Use Astar wit start list instead of multiple goal list
  • Replan with dynamic obstacles