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  • Project Presentaion on Tome: Link


This project is about real time emotion recognition from facial expression. The model is trained on Custome dataset. The model is trained on 5 emotions: Angry, Happy, Sad, Surprise, Neutral.

The model is trained on 168 of personal taken images from me and my collagues, the data were annotated through labelme and augmented using Albumentation

Measuring the accuracy of the model is irrlavent as the model is trained on a very small dataset, all the dataset were created using my labtop camera. although the model is trained on a small dataset, it can still detect the emotion of the person in real time.


  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV
  • Labelme
  • Albumentation
  • Tkinter

Proof of Concept

  • Real time Facial Tracking proof of concept
  • Real time Emotion Recognition proof of concept

Tracked Loss - Modified Yolo v1

I have modified the loss function of Yolo v1 to fit my dataset, to detect and classify one face in the captured image.

$$ CenterLoss = \sum{(X_{True}- X_{Pred} )^2 + (Y_{True} - Y_{Pred})^2 } $$

$$ BoxLoss = \sum{(W_{True}- W_{Pred} )^2 + (H_{True} - H_{Pred})^2 } $$

$$ LocalizationLoss = Centerloss + 0.5*BoxLoss $$

$$ BCELoss = \sum{Y_{True}log(Y_{Pred}) + (1 - Y_{True})log(1 - Y_{Pred})} $$

$$ TotalLoss = 2* LocalizationLoss + BCELoss $$

Model Architecture

  • VGG16 is used as the backbone of the model, weights are initialized with imagenet weights - 14.7 million parameters.

  • two MLPs are used to predict the bounding box and the class of the face in the image - 1.05 million parameters each.

    • Regression part of the model is used to predict the bounding box of the face in the image.
    • Classification part of the model is used to predict the class of the face in the image.
  • over all the model has 17.8 million parameters.

Model Architecture


  • The dataset is created using my labtop camera, 168 images are taken from me and my collagues.
  • The dataset is annotated using labelme
  • Augmentation was done using Albumentation to increase the size of the dataset to 17k images, Increasing the Dataset is much much Better.


  • All my training is done on Google Colab, with GPU enabled,
    • Batch Size: 128
    • Epochs: 500
    • Adam Optimizer with lr = 0.0001
    • Loss Function: Modified Yolo v1 Loss
    • Early Stopping: 25 epochs
  • Real time inference is done on my Labtop with GTX 1650, with 20+ FPS.

Real Time Recognition

  • Clone the repo, make sure you have all the required libraries installed.
  • Run the file, and enjoy the real time emotion recognition.
  • you might need retrain the model on your own dataset to get better results.

#TODO : Add notebook for testing the model on colab

Future Work

  • Train the model on a larger dataset.
  • Use a better loss for multi-Face recognition.
  • Split the model into two models, one for face detection and the other for emotion recognition, while maintaining the real time performance.