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NBA API Project

For this project we want to scrape data on all the NBA teams and players from the NBA Advanced Stats webpage. The scripts will scrape all the NBA teams and team rosters for the 2022-23 season. Additionally, the script will gather the career regular season stats for each player.

After the data acquisition step, we have many ways for data distribution. The script automatically saves each piece of data into CSV files, so we could upload them to Kaggle. Additionally, we also developed and hosted an API, so it'll be easier for programmers to get the data.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Getting the NBA Teams
  3. Getting the Team Rosters
  4. Getting All NBA Players
  5. Pre-Processing The Team Roster
  6. Player Dashboard Statistics
  7. Player Career Statistics
  8. Limitations
  9. Data Dictionary
  10. API Creation
  11. API Endpoints
  12. How to Recreate Project




The project primarily needs the requests, BeautifulSoup, and Selenium packages to webscraping and pandas for data cleaning. We also used FastAPI for developing the API and SQLAlchemy to write queries for Postgres. Below is the bash command to install all necessary packages to run the Jupyter Notebook and API.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting The NBA Teams

The first part of our notebook is getting the data of all the NBA Teams. The function goes to the NBA team stats page and scrapes all the team data. This includes the division, team, and team ID. We used BeautifulSoup and regex to get the table of teams.

soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
regex = re.compile("^StatsTeamsList_divContent")
table = soup.find("div", {"class": regex})

And we were able to get the division, team, and team ID in the HTML from the website.

Getting The Team Rosters

The second part of our notebook is getting the team rosters. We wanted to get all the teams rosters for this current NBA season. We created a function that helps you create the URL given the team ID. We ran a while loop that kept on calling until we got our desired data.

 i = 0
 while not response.ok:
    print(f"There was an issue getting team id={team_id}!!")
    print(f"Reattempting! Iteration {i + 1}")
    i += 1
    response = requests.get(url)

Sometimes when we called the URL it would freeze up on us or would refuse to give us data so that is why we used a while loop. After doing this we were able to get the correct roster data.

Getting All NBA Players

The third part of our notebook is getting all the players in the NBA. In order to do this we needed to create a list of team ID's. We entered it in the function in order to get the team rosters from all the NBA teams. Then we created a thread in order to complete the various tasks more efficiently and to increase the speed of our program. Instead of waiting to get one team roster at a time and for each task to finish, we can use a thread to get all the team rosters at the same time.

with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    player_list = list(, team_ids))
return pd.concat(player_list).reset_index(drop=True)

Pre-Processing The Team Roster

The fourth part of our notebook is pre-processing the team roster data. We converted feet/inches to meter/centimeter. We also converted pounds to kilograms. Then we dropped the following columns: LeagueID, NICKNAME, PLAYER_SLUG, HOW_ACQUIRED. Additionally, we converted the Birth Date to a DateTime object. We did this because the way it was before would be a string. If we wanted to find players who were born a certain year, month, or day, it would be irritating dealing with strings. By converting to datetime, it allows us to do more filtering.

Player Dashboard Statistics

The fifth part of our notebook is getting player dashboard statistics. These stats consist of Points Per Game (PPG) Rebounds Per Game (RPG) Assists Per Game (APG) and the Player Impact Estimate (PIE). This function is very similar to the team roster however the one thing changes is the player_id instead of team_id. We then used that URL to get the "Quick Stats" which are PPG, RPG, APG, and PIE.

Player Career Statistics

The final part of our project was getting the player career statistics. This was where we needed to use selenium as the data is dynamic and constantly changing. The first function checks when the loading screen stops and the data is ready. The second function gets the actual stats. We were looking at career regular season stats for each player. Then we had to collect and format the data and put it inside a dataframe and return it. In some cases, players did not have career stats so we decided to mention that there is no data available for such cases.

if soup.find("div", string="No data available"):
    print(f"No data available for player: {player_id}")
    return pd.DataFrame()
print("There seems to be another issue!!")

These players are usually rookies or reserve players that do not get play time. We then had to run a for loop to get all the player's career stats.

output = []
for idx, player_id in enumerate(player_ids):
    print(f"#{idx}", end=" ")
return pd.concat(output).reset_index(drop=True)


The task for scraping player career statistics takes about 30-45 minutes to execute and is the biggest limitation to our project. Because we use Selenium, it requires us to open up the browser to scrape the HTML rather than sending an API request, which would generally be much quicker.

The NBA career stats page does utilize an API, but it requires some header information to make the request. I've experimented with the API (Request URL: ) and there seems to be a call limit. I attempted to gather all the player career stats using the API, but it only allowed me to make 10 requests before buffering endlessly.

Data Dictionary

Field Name Data Type Description Example
Division string Name of Division Atlantic
Team string Name of Team Philadelphia 76ers
Team ID integer ID Associated For Team 1610612755
Team Abbreviation string Abbreviation of Team Name PHL
Season integer One year in which regulated games of the sport are in session 2022
Player ID integer ID Associated For Player 1628379
Player Name string Name Associated For Player James Harden
Player Number integer The number worn on a player's uniform #1
Position string The role the player plays in the game G
Height float Height Associated For Player 196.0
Weight float Weight Associated For Player 100
Birth Date datetime Birth Date Associated For Player 1989-08-26
Age integer Age Associated For Player 33
Exp string Years of Experience 13 or R
School string School the Player Attended Arizona State
PPG float Points per Game 22.0
RPG float Rebounds per Game 7.0
APG float Assists per Game 10.0
PIE float Player Impact Estimate 17.4
GP/GS integer Games Played 9
MIN integer Minutes Per Game 331
PTS integer The number of points scored 198
FGM integer Field Goals Made 63
FGA integer Field Goals Attempted 143
FG% float Field Goal Percentage 44.1
3PM integer 3 Point Field Goals Made 20
3PA integer 3 Pointers Attempted 60
3P% float 3 Point Percentage 33.3
FTM integer Free Throws Made 52
FTA integer Free Throws Attempted 5 6
FT% float Free Throw Percentage 92.9
OREB integer Offensive Rebounds 5
DREB integer Defensive Rebounds 58
REB integer Rebounds 63
AST integer The number of assists -- passes that lead directly to a made basket -- by a player 90
STL integer Number of times a defensive player or team takes the ball from a player on offense, causing a turnover 10
BLK integer The number of shots attempted by a player or team that are blocked by a defender 6
TOV integer A turnover occurs when the player or team on offense loses the ball to the defense 26
PF integer The number of personal fouls a player or team committed 18

API Creation

We decided to develop an API because it's one of the goals we set out for the project scope. All code for the API is in the api directory and the file in the base directory. We also decided to develop it with FastAPI, since it provides a nice documentation page showcasing each endpoint.

The first step for creating the API is creating the database. In, we create the NBA database, then we read in the CSV files saved from the previous execution as data frames and save them as database tables.

Next, we need some way to make queries to the database tables. In api/, we created a method, get_db, which creates a local session using SQLAlchemy. From there, we also need a way to model the tables to make querying simpler. In api/, we created a model for each table.

Finally, the endpoints are all created in

API Endpoints

How to Recreate Project

The first step is to first create a virtual environment and then install all the Python packages by following the steps in the Installation section. Then, to recreate the API, we first have to recreate the data. So we open up a Jupyter Server for the file notebooks/NBA Web Scraping.ipynb and run all the code cells in the notebook.

Once that's complete, you should have a data folder created with four CSV files: player_info.csv, player_quick_stats.csv, players.csv, and teams.csv.

Next, we need to create the Postgres database. Create a .env file in the base directory and add in the credentials.


Finally, run uvicorn main:app in the base directory and you have your own local API.


Final Project for DSCI 511: Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing







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