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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 26, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This repo has been archived, source code and issues moved to AppMetrics

App Metrics Reporting App Metrics

Official Site License

What is it?

The repo contains reporting extension packages to App Metrics.

Latest Builds, Packages & Repo Stats

Branch AppVeyor Travis
dev AppVeyor Travis
master AppVeyor Travis
Package Dev Release Pre-Release Release
App.Metrics.Reporting.Console MyGet Status NuGet Status NuGet Status
App.Metrics.Reporting.TextFile MyGet Status NuGet Status NuGet Status
App.Metrics.Reporting.Http MyGet Status NuGet Status NuGet Status
App.Metrics.Reporting.Socket MyGet Status NuGet Status NuGet Status

Other Reporters for App Metrics

How to build

AppVeyor and Travis CI builds are triggered on commits and PRs to dev and master branches.

See the following for build arguments and running locally.

Configuration Description Default Environment Required
BuildConfiguration The configuration to run the build, Debug or Release Release All Optional
PreReleaseSuffix The pre-release suffix for versioning nuget package artifacts e.g. beta ci All Optional
CoverWith DotCover or OpenCover to calculate and report code coverage, None to skip. When not None, a coverage file and html report will be generated at ./artifacts/coverage OpenCover Windows Only Optional
SkipCodeInspect false to run ReSharper code inspect and report results, true to skip. When true, the code inspection html report and xml output will be generated at ./artifacts/resharper-reports false Windows Only Optional
BuildNumber The build number to use for pre-release versions 0 All Optional
LinkSources Source link support allows source code to be downloaded on demand while debugging true All Optional


Run build.ps1 from the repositories root directory.


With Arguments

	.\build.ps1 --ScriptArgs '-BuildConfiguration=Release -PreReleaseSuffix=beta -CoverWith=OpenCover -SkipCodeInspect=false -BuildNumber=1'

Linux & OSX

Run from the repositories root directory. Code Coverage reports are now supported on Linux and OSX, it will be skipped running in these environments.


With Arguments

	.\ --ScriptArgs '-BuildConfiguration=Release -PreReleaseSuffix=beta -BuildNumber=1'


See the contribution guidlines in the main repo for details.


Thanks for providing free open source licensing


This library is release under Apache 2.0 License ( see LICENSE ) Copyright (c) 2016 Allan Hardy