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Quick, beautiful and customizable dashboard template for Shiny based on shiny.semantic and Fomantic UI.


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Quick, beautiful and customizable dashboard template for Shiny based on shiny.semantic and Fomantic UI.

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Are you fed up with ordinary shinydashboard look?

Give your app a new fresh look with Fomantic UI support.

library(shinydashboard) # <-- Change this line to: library(semantic.dashboard)

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
      menuItem(tabName = "home", text = "Home", icon = icon("home")),
      menuItem(tabName = "another", text = "Another Tab", icon = icon("heart"))
      box(plotOutput("plot1", height = 250)),
        title = "Controls",
        sliderInput("slider", "Number of observations:", 1, 100, 50)

server <- function(input, output) {
  histdata <- rnorm(500)
  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
    data <- histdata[seq_len(input$slider)]

shinyApp(ui, server)

Semantic dashboards comparison

semantic.dashboard offers basic functions for creating dashboard with Fomantic UI.

How to install?

Install shiny.semantic library first. Here you can find how.

You can install a stable version semantic.dashboard from CRAN repository:


The development version can be installed from GitHub using remotes.


To install previous version you can run:

remotes::install_github("Appsilon/semantic.dashboard", ref = "0.1.0")


You can find examples in the examples/ folder of the GitHub repository.

You can check documentation for tutorials.

How to contribute?

If you want to contribute to this project please submit a regular PR, once you're done with new feature or bug fix. Please check development/ first! It contains useful information that will help you run your dev environment for semantic.dashboard.


We used the latest versions of dependencies for this library, so please update your R environment before installation.

However, if you encounter any problems, try the following:

  1. Up-to-date R language environment
  2. Installing specific dependent libraries versions
    • shiny.semantic

Future enhacements

  • Release of a stable 1.0.0 version
  • Closer integration with shinydashboard


Appsilon is a Posit (formerly RStudio) Full Service Certified Partner.
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