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This project is a work of fiction written from the perspective of a 2020 researcher traveling back in time to late 2012 to share some 2020 network design, training and implementation of MobileNet V1, references to credit the actual inventors of the various ideas is provided at the end

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MobileNets: An efficient and faster Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications


*We present a class of efficient models called MobileNet [1] for mobile applications and for the devices with limited computational resources. We Introduce a new architecture called depthwise separable convolution to build a light weight deep neural network with a reasonable trade-off between efficiency and latency. We presented extensive experiments with respect to the two hyperparameters of the new design which show strong performance in terms of speed and accuracy compared to previous networks. We analyzed the performance of the model by computing the data movement and computation time for each layer in the architecture.

1 Introduction

Convolution Neural Networks represent a huge breakthrough in the field of Computer Vision. CNNs can be used in tons of applications from image and video recognition, image classification, and recommender systems to natural language processing and medical image analysis. Evidence Reveals that the network depth is of crucial importance in increasing the accuracy of the model. Leading results on the challenging ImageNet dataset utilizes deep models with a depth of sixteen to thirty.

All these techniques may contribute to the increase in the overall accuracy of the model but are not necessarily making it's efficient in terms of speed, size and overall complexity. Bigger sized models require more computational resources. In real life, many computer visions applications are used in cell phones, robotics, self-driving car and augmented reality in which the recognition tasks need to be done in a very limited time with a limited computational resource. In order to increase speed, you might have to sacrifice accuracy.

In this paper, we describe an efficient neural network architecture that deals with such a trade-off. Sections 2 reviews prior work done in the field related to image classification. Section 3 describes the new network design (mobileNet) focusing on the encoder (body) - building block structure, and decoder (head) - efficient for classification. Section 4 describes new training methods and detailed description of 'training data loss' and 'validation data accuracy' curves with different experiments tried and their results. Section 5 describes the model's performance prediction strategy. Description of external memory, DDR bus, internal memory, matrix compute and per layer memory location assignment and predicted data movement with compute time on the host machine.

2 Related Work

2.1 Design

LeNet, 7-level convolution network was one of the first convolutional neural networks that thrusted the field of deep of learning. Since the image features are distributed across the entire image, convolutions with learnable parameters are an effective way to extract related features at multiple location with few parameters. Therefore, being able to save parameter and computation was a key advantage in LenNet. However, the ability to process higher resolution images required larger and more convolution layers, so this technique is constrained by the availability of computing resources.

In 2012, Alex Krizhevsky released AlexNet which was a deeper and much wider version of LeNet and utilized rectified linear unites (ReLU) as non-linearities, dropout technique to selectively ignore neurons during training to avoid overfitting, overlapping max pooling, Stochastic Gradient Descent [6] with momentum, GPU's NVIDIA GTX 580 to reduce training time. AlexNet suffers from the issues of many free parameters in larger filters, data locality for local response norm and issues of memory in fully connected layers. Real time implementation is implicitly a memory bandwidth test.

2.2 Training

In Batch Gradient Descent we take the average of the gradients of all training examples and then use that mean gradient to update the parameters of the models. In Stochastic Gradient However in Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), we consider just one example at a time to take a single step. Batch Gradient Descent can be used for smoother curves. SGD can be used when the dataset is large.

Mini Batch SGD is the combination of both the two techniques. We use batch of a fixed number of training examples which is less than the actual dataset and call it a mini batch. We than calculate the mean gradient of the mini batch and update the weights. Doing this helps up to achieve the advantages of both of former variants.

However, just like SGD, the average cost over the epochs in mini-batch gradient descent fluctuates because we are averaging a small number of examples at a time which many times result in a low final accuracy. Hyperparameter optimization is a real pain in this technique. Compared to dataset, if your mini-batch size is too small, it won't converge. and also, large minibatches cause optimization difficulties, but when these are addressed the trained networks exhibit good generalization.

2.3 Implementation

X86 CPUs are central processing units for a computational machine. They are usually multi-core from 2-10 cores in modern i3-i9 intel CPU's and may go up to 18 cores in high-end intel CPUs. However, CPUs are not the considered as the choice for training of deep learning models. In the experiments, attempts have been made to use clusters of CPUs for deep learning. Optimizing DL libraries for CPUs, but the performance results were not promising when compared to GPU's and CPU's only seem useful if you already have a cluster of machines without GPU's. For workloads heavy in AVX-512 the CPU reduces the clock frequency.

The most modern DL systems are a mix of CPU and GPU, where the GPU does the heavy lifting, and CPU is responsible for loading the data into/from the memory of a graphics card and orchestrating the calculations. Modern GPUs contain a lot of processors and are highly parallel, which makes them very effective for deep learning models training. GPU's have much more specialized cored (up to 5120 in the latest NVIDIA Volta V1000 GPU's) and matrix operations are parallelized much better in GPU's. Unified Memory creates a pool of managed memory that is shared between the CPU and GPU, bridging the CPU-GPU divide to be used efficiently when combined.

3 Design

3.1 Depthwise Separable Convolution**

We introduce a new type of block design in MobileNet called depthwise separable convolution which in turn is a combination of two convolution operations -- depthwise convolution and a 1x1 pointwise convolution. In depth convolution, for mobileNets we apply one single filter to each of the input channel and then combine the output of it with one pointwise 1x1 convolution. A standard convolution filters and mixes across channels from input into a new set of output in single step. In depthwise separable convolution this task is split into two layers - one for filtering and one for combining.

Figure 1: Left: Standard convolution layer with batchnorm and ReLU. Right: Depthwise Separable convolution with Depthwise and pointwise layers by batchnorm and ReLU.

A standard convolutional layer takes input as Df x Df x M feature map F and produces a Dg x Dg x N feature map G where Df is the special width and height of a square input feature map. M is the number of input channels Dg is the special width and height of a square output feature map and N is the number of output channel. The standard convolution layer is parameterized by convolution kernel K of size of Dk x Dk x M x N where Dk is the spatial dimension of the kernel assumed to be square. For the given parameters, standard convolution has the computational cost of:


MobileNet breaks uses depthwise separable convolution to break the interaction of these terms between the number of output channels and the size of the kernel. We first use depthwise convolution to apply a single filter per each input channel. Then we use pointwise 1x1 convolution to create linear combination of the output of the depthwise layer. MobileNets use both batchnorm and ReLU nonlinearities for both layers. For the mentioned parameters, depthwise convolution has a computational cost of:


Depthwise convolution are efficient with respect to standard convolution, however it only filters input channels, it does not combine them to create new features. An additional layer is required to combine the output of the depthwise convolution via 1x1 convolution to generate new features. Overall depthwise separable convolution cost can be written as:


The sum of the depthwise and 1x1 pointwise convolutions. If we express convolution as a two-step process of filtering and combining, we get a reduction in computation of:


MobileNet utilizes 3x3 depthwise separable convolutions which leads to 8 to 9 times less computations than standard convolution at only a small reduction in accuracy.

Figure 2. The standard convolution filters in (a) are replaced by two layers: depthwise convolution in (b) and pointwise convolution in (c) to build to a depthwise separable filter

3.2 Network Structure**

The MobileNet structure is built on depthwise separable convolution with an exception of first layer which is a full convolution. The mobileNet architecture (body and head) is defined in the Table 1. In the body of the model, all layers are followed by a batchnorm and ReLU nonlinearity. Counting depthwise and pointwise convolutions as separate layers, MobileNet has 28 layers. Down sampling is being taken care of by striding in the depthwise convolution.

At the end (head), the final average pooling reduces the special resolution to 1 before the fully connected layer. Fully connected layer has no nonlinearity and feeds into a SoftMax layer for classification. Cross Entropy is used to compute the loss each epoch.

Table 1. MobileNet Body and Head Architecture

Type/Stride Filter Shape Input size
Conv / s1 3 x 3 x 3 x 32 28 x 28 x 3
Conv dw /s1 3 x 3 x 32 dw 28 x 28 x 32
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 32 x 64 28 x 28 x 32
Conv dw / s2 3 x 3 x 64 dw 28 x 28 x 64
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 64 x 64 14 x 14 x 64
Conv dw / s1 3 x 3 x 64 dw 14 x 14 x 64
Conv /s1 1 x 1 x 64 x 128 14 x 14 x 64
Conv dw /s1 3 x 3 x 128 dw 14 x 14 x 128
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 128 x 128 14 x 14 x 128
Conv dw / s1 3 x 3 x 128 dw 14 x 14 x 128
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 128 x 128 14 x 14 x 128
Conv dw / s1 3 x 3 x 128 dw 14 x 14 x 128
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 128 x 256 14 x 14 x 128
5x (Conv dw/s1, conv/s1) 3 x 3 x 256 dw
1 x 1 x 256 x 256 14 x 14 x 256
14 x 14 x 256
Conv dw / s2 3 x 3 x 256 dw 14 x 14 x 256
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 256 x 256 7 x 7 x 256
Conv dw / s1 3 x 3 x 256 dw 7 x 7 x 256
Conv / s1 1 x 1 x 256 x 256 7 x 7 x 256
Avg Pool / s1 Pool 7 x 7 7 x 7 x 256
FC / s1 256 x 1000 1 x 1 256
Softmax / s1 Classifier 1 x 1 x 10

4 Training

The model is trained on CIFAR10 [2] dataset in TenserFlow using RMSprop [3] for the weight update. Contrary to large models we used less regularization and data augmentation techniques because small models has lesser tendency for the overfitting. Data is normalized by subtracting its mean and then dividing it by its variance. Random left-right flip and image cropping is done to reduce the resolution of images from 32x32 to 28x28.

After the preprocessing the data is passed through the body of the model where all layers are followed by a batchnorm and ReLU nonlinearity as shown in figure 1. Batch normalization [7] is used to increase the stability of a neural network as it normalizes the output of a previous activation layer by subtracting the batch mean and dividing by the batch standard deviation and also it allows each layer of a network to learn by itself a little bit more independently of other layers. Cross Entropy is used to compute the loss each epoch.

The base MobileNet architecture is already small with low latency, we can make it even smaller and faster. In the model we introduce two hyper parameters called Width Multiplier and Resolution Multiplier. The role of the width multiplier α Є (0, 1] is to thin a network uniformly at each layer. Resolution multiplier ρ Є (0, 1] when applied to the input image the internal representation of every layer is subsequently reduced.

The computational cost for the layers with the multipliers can be written as:


With lower values of width multipliers and resolution multipliers we might get lower accuracy, but it significantly increases the network speed and reduces requirement of computational resources. Since we are training on CIFAR10, we kept the value of resolution multiplier as 1 (Image resolutions are already very small). Table 2 shows two experiments for different value of width multiplier with their validation accuracy on CIFAR10 dataset.

Table 2: Validation accuracy and loss for different values of width multipliers

Width Multiplier Test Accuracy Test Loss
1 0.82 0.91
0.75 0.78 0.95

Figure 3 and 4 below represents training and validation data accuracy and loss during training for 60 epochs. The X axis represents epochs and Y axis represent accuracy and loss respectively.

Figure 3: Training and validation accuracy curve on CIFAR10 dataset

Figure 4: Training and validation loss curve on CIFAR10 dataset

5 Implementation

The architecture of the model contains altogether 27 layers excluding batch normalization and pointwise nonlinearity. Since input/output feature map generated at each layer from CIFAR10 dataset is small, we can store it in internal memory of size 1 MB. At each layer, filter coefficients are required to be moved from internal to external and then vice versa to perform convolution operation.

Table 3 describes the total size of internal memory at each layer (input feature + output feature map + filter coefficient size) and data movement (If required). After the 26^th^ layer the internal memory storage exceeds the memory limit of size 1MB, so the data is moved to the external memory which contributed to the increase in data movement size.

Table 3: I/O feature map size and location with internal memory used and data movement size each layer.

La-yers I/O feature map size (Stored in Internal Memory) Internal Memory used (bits) Data Mov. size (bits)
1 18816, 200704 220384 20544
2 200704, 200704 421376 576
3 200704, 401408 824832 4096
4 401408, 401408 1226816 1152
5 401408, 200704 1435712 16384
6 200704, 100352 1536640 1152
7 100352, 200704 1745536 16384
8 200704, 200704 1947392 2304
9 200704, 200704 2156288 16384
10 200704, 200704 2358144 2304
11 200704, 200704 2575232 32768
12 200704, 200704 2777088 2304
13 200704, 404544 3214400 65536
14 404544, 401408 3618112 4608
15 401408, 401408 4085056 131072
16 401408, 401408 4488768 4608
17 401408, 401408 4955712 131072
18 401408, 401408 5359424 4608
19 401408, 401408 5826368 131072
20 401408, 401408 6230080 4608
21 401408, 401408 6697024 131072
22 401408, 401408 7100736 4608
23 401408, 401408 7567680 131072
24 401408, 401408 7971392 4608
25 401408, 100352 8137280 8202816
Memory limit exceeded, so data is moved.
26 100352,100352 203008 4608
27 100352,100352 368896 131072

Figure 5: DDR 3 bus architecture.

1 GB/s DDR bus is being used to move data from internal to external and the time taken for the process is described in table 4. In order to compute the performance time of a single input for each layer we sum its data movement time and compute time. Compute time is calculated as the sum of the CNN style 2D convolution and matrix multiplication as 2x the number of MACS in the operator / 1 TFLOOPS and sum of all the operators as the number of ops in the operator / 10 GFLOPS. Table 4 shows the performance time (data movement time + compute time) of each layer for a single input and sum-total of all the layers to get a predicted performance time of the model.

Table 4: I/O feature map size and location with internal memory used and data movement size each layer.

La-yers Data Movement Time (sec, A) Compute Time (sec, B) Performance Time (sec, A+B)
1 0.000002568 1.35475E-06 3.92275E-06
2 0.000000072 4.51584E-07 5.23584E-07
3 0.000000512 3.21126E-06 3.72326E-06
4 0.000000144 9.03168E-07 1.04717E-06
5 0.000002048 1.60563E-06 3.65363E-06
6 0.000000144 2.25792E-07 3.69792E-07
7 0.000002048 3.21126E-06 5.25926E-06
8 0.000000288 4.51584E-07 7.39584E-07
9 0.000002048 6.42253E-06 8.47053E-06
10 0.000000288 4.51584E-07 7.39584E-07
11 0.000004096 6.42253E-06 1.05185E-05
12 0.000000288 4.51584E-07 7.39584E-07
13 0.000008192 1.28451E-05 2.10371E-05
14 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
15 0.000016384 2.56901E-05 4.20741E-05
16 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
17 0.000016384 2.56901E-05 4.20741E-05
18 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
19 0.000016384 2.56901E-05 4.20741E-05
20 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
21 0.000016384 2.56901E-05 4.20741E-05
22 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
23 0.000016384 2.56901E-05 4.20741E-05
24 0.000000576 9.03168E-07 1.47917E-06
25 0.001025352 6.42253E-06 0.001031775
Memory limit exceeded, so data is moved.
26 0.000000576 2.25792E-07 8.01792E-07
27 0.000016384 6.42253E-06 2.28065E-05
Total Performance Time = 0.001340632

From Table 4 we can see that the performance time of layer 26 is considerably more than any other layers of the model because of the large data movement time due the internal memory limit of 1mb as well as because of the large filter coefficient size compared to the other layers.

6 Conclusion

We introduced a new model architecture called mobileNets based on depthwise separable convolution. We discussed about some of prior techniques that exists in the convolution based neural networks and limitations of it. We then discussed a design technique focusing on smaller and faster network with a reasonable trade off with accuracy and introduced a training method that considerably decreased the computational cost of the whole model with reasonable accuracy. We presented some of the results of the developed model and with respect to its hyperparameters. We then analyzed the performance of our model on a machine with a given set of resources and compared the performance of each layer as well as the of a whole model to process a single output.

Please find the implementation of the model in the following link


Note: As stated above, this paper is a work of fiction. The following are the actual inventors of the ideas described in this paper.

[1] A. Howard, et. al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications," arXiv:1704.04861, 2017.

[2] A. Krizhevsky, "Convolutional Deep Belief Networks on CIFAR-10," Unpublished manuscript, 2010.

[3] Y. LeCun, et. al., "Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document Recognition," Proceedingsof the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 2278--2324, 1998.

[4] A. Krizhevsky, et. al., "ImageNet Classification with Deep ConvolutionalNeural Networks," In Advances in neural information processing systems, pages 1097--1105, 2012.

[5] O. Russakovsky, et. al., "ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge" International Journal of Computer Vision, 115(3):211--252, 2012.

[6] L. Bottou, "Large-scale Machine Learning with Stochastic Gradient Descent," inProc. 19th Int. Conf. Comput. Statist., 2010.

[7] S. Ioffe and C. Szegedy, "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift," arXiv:1502.03167, 2015.

[8] V. Nair and G. Hinton, "Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines", ICML, 2010.


This project is a work of fiction written from the perspective of a 2020 researcher traveling back in time to late 2012 to share some 2020 network design, training and implementation of MobileNet V1, references to credit the actual inventors of the various ideas is provided at the end







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