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Releases: AtomicBlom/ShearMadness

The AutoCrafting release

22 Nov 13:18
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Adds support for AutoCrafting Sheep
Fixes a nasty memory leak made obvious by TheOneProbe

1.3.0 - The OMG Get back here release

11 Oct 13:13
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Added Enchanting Sheep
Added Bookshelf Sheep
Added NoteBlock sheep

  • Noteblock Sheep on wool now have tunable Baaaaa
    Fixed unusual models from crashing the client
    Fixed flying sheep breaking away from leads


02 Sep 04:21
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Fixes compatibility with mods that add subclasses of sheep.

Fix missing API

28 Aug 00:59
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API was not included in main JAR file

The Functional Sheep release

27 Aug 15:46
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Certain sheep now have behaviours associated with them:

  • Redstone Sheep will trigger redstone signals
  • TNT Sheep will explode if exposed to redstone
  • Glowstone Sheep will light the area around them
    • This is disabled by default because of the stuttering of it recalculating chunk lighting.
  • Chisel blocks with "working" fans cause sheep to fly
  • Crafting Table sheep work as crafting tables
  • Anvil sheep work as Anvils
  • Cactus sheep deal cactus damage and will destroy items
  • Magma sheep deal "walking on fire" damage.

In addition to this the following other enhancements were made:

  • Chiseling a sheep gives audio feedback
  • Added a preliminary API. This is subject to change and will be documented when I'm happy with it.

1.0.2 - Leaves and death

22 Aug 14:38
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  • Leaves are now coloured according to Biome, Fixes #4
  • Mobs drop the chiselled block on death. Fixes #2

1.0.1 - Fix attacking with chisel

22 Aug 05:02
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Fixes #1 - You can now attack mobs with the chisel again you mean mean person.

Initial Release

21 Aug 14:20
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Change output File name