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Cantankerous Cabbage (Sprint 3)

Closed Mar 26, 2019 0% complete

Cerebral Celery Continuously Contemplates Creating Cruciferous Compatriots

Sprint 3

After major work on the trading an portfolio pages has been completed in the last two sprints, during this sprint we'll work on Knocking out a ton of little issues related to UX and getting the Account summary pages fully wired up.

The Ui and Backend teams should be able …

Cerebral Celery Continuously Contemplates Creating Cruciferous Compatriots

Sprint 3

After major work on the trading an portfolio pages has been completed in the last two sprints, during this sprint we'll work on Knocking out a ton of little issues related to UX and getting the Account summary pages fully wired up.

The Ui and Backend teams should be able to come together by the end of this sprint to create a plan for moving the UI onto Augur State.

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.