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Inter Library Loan Metadata API

The purpose of this project is to fetch metadata required for inter library loan by given parameters. Document id is sent as search parameter document_id. The return value is expected to be a record of metadata about the given monography and a list of libraries that have an exemplar of the book. Furthermore, the library is checked if it is part of Alma and has an ncip-server-url registered (at NB BaseBibliotek) Finally, there is a POST endpoint to send in NCIP-orders to the extern library.

The application uses several AWS resources, including Lambda functions and an API Gateway API. These resources are defined in the template.yaml file in this project. You can update the template to add AWS resources through the same deployment process that updates your application code.

Prerequisites (shared resources):

  • HostedZone: [sandbox|dev|test|prod]

  • Create a CodeStarConnection that allows CodePipeline to get events from and read the GitHub repository

    The user creating the connection must have permission to create "apps" i GitHub

  • SSM Parameter Store Parameters:

    • /api/domainName = api.[sandbox|dev|test|prod]
    • /github-connection = (CodeStarConnections ARN from above)
  • Create the following CloudFormation stack manually using the AWS Web Console, CLI or API:

    • Stack for Custom Domain Name, Certificate and Route53 RecordSet:
      • Template: api-domain-name.yaml
      • Name: apigw-custom-domain-name-api-[sandbox|dev|test|prod]-bibs-aws-unit-no
      • Parameters:
        • HostedZoneId=[ID]


  • Create the following CloudFormation stack manually using the AWS Web Console, CLI or API:
    • Stack for pipeline/CICD. This will bootstrap the app stack (template.yml)
      • Template: pipeline.yml
      • Name: interlibraryLoanMetadata-api
      • Parameters:
        • DeployStackName=interLibraryLoanMetadata-api-cf
        • GitBranch=develop
        • GitRepo=BIBSYSDEV/InterLibraryLoanMetadata-api
        • PipelineApprovalAction=[Yes|No] (No for non-prod?)
        • (Optional) PipelineApprovalEmail=[email address]


  • GET to



  "isbn" : "0195213769",
  "source" : "BIBSYS_ILS",
  "record_id" : "BIBSYS_ILS71469955110002201",
  "publication_place" : "Boston",
  "b_title" : "The Handbook of social psychology : Vol. 1",
  "volume" : "Vol. 1",
  "creation_year" : "cop. 1998",
  "creator" : "",
  "pages" : "XX, 865",
  "publisher" : "McGraw-Hill ; distributed exclusively by Oxford University Press",
  "display_title" : "The Handbook of social psychology : Vol. 1",
  "libraries" : [ {
    "institution_code" : "HH",
    "display_name" : "Høgskolen i Innlandet Biblioteket Lillehammer",
    "mms_id" : "999919819107802214",
    "library_code" : "1050101",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "HIT",
    "display_name" : "Universitetsbiblioteket i Sørøst-Norge Biblioteket - Ringerike",
    "mms_id" : "999919774625402210",
    "library_code" : "1060501",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "NLA",
    "display_name" : "NLA Høgskolen Sandviken Biblioteket",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702228",
    "library_code" : "1120134",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "NTNU_UB",
    "display_name" : "NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket Biblioteket Dragvoll",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702203",
    "library_code" : "1160106",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "NHHB",
    "display_name" : "Norges handelshøyskole Biblioteket",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702216",
    "library_code" : "1120125",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "POLITIHS",
    "display_name" : "Politihøgskolen Biblioteket",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702279",
    "library_code" : "1030217",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "UBO",
    "display_name" : "UiO : Universitetsbiblioteket HumSam-biblioteket",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702204",
    "library_code" : "1030300",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "UBTO",
    "display_name" : "UiT Norges arktiske universitet Psykologi- og jusbiblioteket",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702205",
    "library_code" : "1190203",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "UBA",
    "display_name" : "Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder Grimstad",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702209",
    "library_code" : "1090401",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "UBB",
    "display_name" : "Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen Bibliotek for samfunnsvitenskap, musikk og psykologi",
    "mms_id" : "999919848310402207",
    "library_code" : "1120108",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  }, {
    "institution_code" : "UBIS",
    "display_name" : "Universitetsbiblioteket i Stavanger Ullandhaug",
    "mms_id" : "999808823704702208",
    "library_code" : "1110301",
    "available_for_loan" : true
  } ]
  • GET to



      "isAlmaLibrary": true,
      "ncip_server_url": ""
  • POST to


    with a body that contains the xml-ncip message


  some ncip xml-response