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Brief Overview of Clojure

This is a very brief overview of a subset of Clojure features for those familiar with the Racket programming language. It is intended for a usability study at UMM and assumes a non-standard Clojure environment.

How to run a Clojure program

Note: the instrcutions are specific to this usability study.

TO-DO: instructions.


Just like Racket, Clojure follows the prefix notation: (function arg1 arg2...). A lot of functions on numbers have the same names as in Racket, so all of the following is valid in Clojure as well. Comments are also the same: ;.

(+ 1 2 3 4) ; returns 10
(even? 2) ; returns true
(<= 4 3) ; returns false

TO-DO: println (since the tests will run using println).

Defining variables and functions

Functions and variable defintions are somewhat different from those in Racket. Variables are defined using the def keyword, instead of Racket's define:

(def n 5)
(+ n 5) ; results in 10

Just like in Racket, variables are immutable: once defined, their value cannot be changed.

Functions are defined using the defn keyword. The function parameters are included in square brackets after the function name (no commas), and the body of the function is after the closing bracket. The entire defn expression is surrounded by parentheses:

; A function of one argument:
(defn add2 [x]
  (+ x 2))

(add2 5) ; results in 7

; A function of two arguments
(defn sum-squares [x y]
  (+ (* x x) (* y y)))

(sum-squares -1 2) ; results in 5

Just like in Racket, variable and function names may contain letters, digits, dashes, some punctuation symbols (? and !). The names are case-sensitive.

See documentation on def and defn

Common functions

Many functions on numbers are the the same in Clojure and Racket. This includes most of arithmetic operations, comparisons, and predicates:

;; common functions on numbers
(+ 2 3) ; results in 5
(* 2 3 4) ; results in 24
;; predicates (functions that return true/false) often end with ?
(even? 3) ; results in false
(odd? 3) ; results in true

Clojure uses inc for "increment" function (the same as add1 in Racket) and dec for "decrement" (the same as sub1 in Racket):

(inc 5) ; results in 6
(dec 5) ;results in 4

See documentation for numeric functions.

The length of a string is computed using the function count:

(count "abc") ; results in 3

Conditionals: 'if', 'cond', and combining conditions

Conditions in Clojure are very similar to those in Racket. For instance, if looks identical to that in Racket:

(def n 5)
(if (< n 10) 2 3) ; results in 2
(if (< n 2) 2 3)  ; returns 3

However, there is a difference in how Clojure and Racket determine if a value is true or false. In Racket the expression in the condition of if must evaluate to a boolean (true or false). In Clojure any result other than false and nil (that is covered later in this overview) is considered to be true. For instance, any number (including 0) is considered to be true:

(if 5 "yes" "no") ; results in "yes"
(if 0 "yes" "no") ; also results in "yes"

See documentation on if.

cond is also similar to Racket. However, it doesn't have brackets around each case: cond keyword is followed by pairs in which the first element is a condition, and the second is the resulting value if that condition is true. Just like in Racket, the else clause is optional. If it is given, it is indicated by :else (not the colon in the front). In the example below if n is less than 5, then "apple" is returned, if it's greater than 5 then "banana" is returned, and in the remaining case (n equals to 5) "orange" is returned.

  (< n 5) "apple"
  (> n 5) "banana"
  :else "orange")

See documentation on cond.

and and or allow you to combine conditions and not negates a condition, just like in Racket. The only difference is that instead of taking only boolean (true/false) expressions, Clojure allows any values to be combined using and, or, and not. The only values that are interpreted as false are false and nil. Everything else is considered true.

(and (< 2 3) (<= 6 5)) ; results in false
(or (< 2 3) (<= 6 5)) ; results in true
(not (and (< 2 3) (<= 6 5))) ; results in true
(not (or (< 2 3) (<= 6 5))) ; results in false

See documentation for and, or, and not.


nil is a special value in Clojure. You can think of it as meaning "nothing" or "no answer". The convention is to return nil from functions that do not return any meaningful value, as you will see below for hashmaps and lists. nil is different from any other value in Clojure.

As you have seen above, nil is interpreted to be false in boolean expressions:

(if nil 2 3) ; results in 3


Clojure doesn't use structures the way Racket does. Instead it uses hashmaps: collections of key/value pairs surrounded by curly braces. For the purposes of this study we consider only hashmaps in which keys are a special Clojure datatype known as keywords. Keywords are any names preceded by a colon :. For instance, the following hashmap

{:x 50, :y 100} ; hashmap in which :x has a value 50, and :y has a value 100

Note that commas are optional: the same hashmap can be written as {:x 50 :y 100}.

Hashmaps can be stored in variables:

(def point1 {:x 50, :y 100} ) ; point1 now refers to the hashmap

Keywords can be used as selectors for hashmap fields. For instance, assuming that point1 is defined as above, we can get its x and y values like this:

(:x point1) ; results in 50
(:y point1) ; results in 100

If there is no value for a keyword in a hashmap, nil is returned:

(:z point1) ; results in nil

Hashmaps are immutable.

Lists and common list functions

There is a variety of different ways of producing list-like data sequences in Clojure, but the ones used in Racket work in Clojure as well. Note that Clojure prints back lists without the "list" constructor or a quote.

(list 1 2 3) ; results in list (1 2 3)
'(1 2 3) ; also results in list (1 2 3)

Just like in Racket, it is possible to combine different types of elements in the same list:

'(1 "two" 3.0001)

An empty list can be represented as (lsit ) or '().

Documentation on list constructor

Just like in Racket, one can use first and rest on lists and check if a list is empty with empty?:

(def  numbers '(3 5 4))
(def short-list '(7))

(first numbers) ; results in 3
(first short-list) ; results in 7
(rest numbers) ; results in (list 5 4)
(rest short-list) ; results in the list ()
(empty? numbers) ; results in false
(empty? short-list) ; results in false
(empty? (rest short-list)) ; results in true

However, unlike in Racket, calling first and rest on an empty list is not an error: first on an empty list returns nil, and rest on an empty list returns an empty list:

(first '()) ; results in nil
(rest '()) ; results in the list ()

Just like in Racket, one can use cons to create a new list with an element added in the front of a given list:

(def numbers '(3 5 4))
(cons 0 numbers) ; results in (0 3 5 4)

Documentation on cons

Recursion on lists

Recursive functions in Clojure can be written exactly the same way as in Racket, with the exception of a slightly different syntax for specifying the function name and parameters. Below is the function that adds up all the numbers in a list of numbers:

(defn add-all [numbers]
  (if (empty? numbers)
      0 ; base case
      (+ (first numbers) (add-all (rest numbers))))) ; recursive call

(add-all '(3 4 5 2)) ; results in 14

(add-all '()) ; results in 0

The next example shows a recursive function with two parameters that creates a list of the first n elements of a given list:

(defn take-n [elements n]
  (if (or (empty? elements) (<= n 0))
    (cons (first elements) (take-n (rest elements) (- n 1)))))

(take-n '(2 5 6 7 1) 3) ; results in (list 2 5 6)
(take-n '(2 5 6 7 1) 10) ; results in (list 2 5 6 7 1)
(take-n '(2 5 6 7 1) 0) ; results in an empty list

map, reduce, and similar functions on lists

Clojure has map and filter function that can be used exactly the same as the corresponding Racket functions:

;; mapping inc (increment) function:
(map inc '(3 2 -1)) ; results in the list (4 3 0)
;; creating a list of string lengths:
(map count '("hi" "bye" "")) ; results in the list (2 3 0)

(filter odd? '(2 3 5 4 0 7)) ; results in (list 3 5 7)
(defn short? [s]
  (<= (count s) 5))

(filter short? '("apple" "avocado" "kiwi" "banana")) ; results in the list ("apple" "kiwi")

Documentation for map, filter

A Clojure function similar to Racket's foldr is called reduce. There are two versions of reduce: the one with three arguments that is pretty much the same as foldr (on symmetric functions, such as +; we are not considering non-symmetric functions such as -), and the one with two arguments that essentially uses the first element of the list as a base.

TO-DO: switched arguments of reduce.

For consistency with Racket we are using the version of reduce with three arguments:

(def numbers '(3 5 4))
(reduce + 0 numbers) ; results in 12

;; combining all strings in a list into one string
;; str plays a role of string-append
(reduce str "" '("Hi " "there," " " "how " "are " "you?")) ; results in "Hi there, how are you?"

Documentation for reduce

Anonymous functions

Just like in Racket, anonymous fucntions are often used as parameters for map, reduce, and other higher-order functions. There are different ways of declaring anonymous functions in Clojure. Our examples use the fn keyword for this purpose. The syntax is very similar to defn, except that instead of defn and the function name we use fn.

For instance, fn [x] (+ x 2) is a function that takes one parameter x and returns x incremented by 2. If we map this function over a list, we create a new list in which every element is obtained from the given list by adding 2. Functions passed to map or to any other higher-order functions must be included in parentheses.

(map (fn [x] (+ x 2))  '(2 3 1)) ;; results in the list (4 5 3)

Here filter uses an anonymous function fn [x] (>= x 5) to select all elements of a list that are 5 or larger.

(filter (fn [x] (>= x 5)) '(5 2 6 7 1 8)) ; results in the list (5 6 7 8)

TO-DO: explain the order of parameters

(reduce (fn [x y] (+ x (count y))) 0 '("hi" "bye" "hello")) ; results in 10

Documentation for fn