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An improved version of Miau6502 (Programming Language for BE6502)


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Miau6502 Improved 🧶

A programming language for Ben Eater's 6502, using the assembler syntaxis presented in Ben's videos


The objective of this project, is to create a super-simple progrmamming language, that its Turing Complete. This laguange will compile fot the 65C02 legacy processor, more precisely for the Ben Eater project.

WARNING : Currently in development


  1. Simple, BASIC-like language
  2. Support functions for 65C22
  3. Support functions for LCD Display
  4. Implement an standard libary

How it works ?

This compiler will implement the most basic and common algorithms that are normally in a compiler. This to demonstrate the way a compiler work (and a little bit of a challenge for myself 😅). The main parts of the compiler are described below


For the implementation of the lexer, I decided that I didnt want to use additional libaries, so I implemented a solution that uses the regexp Go libary to tokenize a string, this given the following rules :

	rules["int"] = `\b[0-9]+\b`              // Integers
	rules["var"] = `\b[a-z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\b` // Variables (identifiers, lowercase to differentiate from labels)
	rules["label"] = `\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*\b`   // Labels (uppercase identifiers)
	rules["ass"] = `=`                       // Assignment
	rules["add"] = `\+`                      // Addition
	rules["sub"] = `\-`                      // Subtraction (if needed)
	rules["grt"] = `>`                       // Greater than
	rules["lrt"] = `<`                       // Less than
	rules["opar"] = `\(`                     // Open parenthesis
	rules["cpar"] = `\)`                     // Close parenthesis
	rules["okey"] = `\{`                     // Open curly brace
	rules["ckey"] = `\}`                     // Close curly brace
	rules["if"] = `\bif\b`                   // if condition
	rules["goto"] = `\bgoto\b`               // goto keyword
	rules["print"] = `\bprint\b`             // print function

I'm currentl working in the defintion of all the rules, alog the way I build de parser


To implement the parser, I decided I will use the Recursive Descent Method, with a Context Free Grammar that will prove if all the lines in the source code are valid for the code generator, here is the BNF notation of the grammar.

program -> statement_list

statement_list -> statement statement_list | ε

statement -> assignment_statement | loop_statement | if_statement | print_statement

assignment_statement -> var "=" expression

expression -> term (("+" | "-") term)*

term -> factor (("*" | "/") factor)*

factor -> number | var

loop_statement -> label statement_list "goto" label

if_statement -> "if" "(" expression ")" "{" statement_list "}"

print_statement -> "print" var

label -> LABEL // Where LABEL is any token classified as a label by the lexer


This is how in C++ you would calculate de Fibonnaci Sequence that are smaller than 255 :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){
    int x = 0;
    int y = 1;
    int z = 0;
    while(x < 255){
        z = x + y;
        x = y;
        y = z;
        cout << x << "\n";

This is a basic way to do it using Miau65i :

x = 0 
y = 1
z = 0
z = x + y
x = y
y = z 
if (x < 255){
  print x 
  goto LOOP


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An improved version of Miau6502 (Programming Language for BE6502)








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