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Sakurajimai#6742 edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to Mai Wiki

A simple, multi-functional Discord bot by best girl written in discord.js 12.3.1 - Focuses more in anime..

This Wiki is designed to help you use Mai Discord Bot to it's full potential. Please select categories below to get started.

Anischedule Features
Know about the powerful Anischedule feature, what it does, and how to set one up.

View the full available list of commands for Mai

Economy Features
Learn the mechanics and configuration of Mai's Economy Feature

Experience Points Features
Know about the Implementation of Experience Points by Mai

Hello! This is the Wiki for Mai Bot made for users to easily interact with the bot. You may click the link below to navigate through the wiki easily.

Anischedule Features
Economy Features
Experience Points Features

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