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The beginnings of an RPG for the Game Boy Color.

This is still very much a work-in-progress, and isn't properly playable yet. However, lots has gone into this project in order to lay out the foundations for a fully playable RPG.

Some of the implemented features so far include:

I've been trying to figure out best practices as I go, so apologies if some of the code is more spaghetti-y than I'd like, especially in older areas.


First, if you haven't already done so, download and install rgbds, the assembler used by this project. Then, start up a Terminal, navigate to your cloned Foundations directory, then run make.


This demo currently contains some temporary content, including the following:

Some code is adapted from other sources (e.g. libraries), and references or credits for these can usually be found in comments.

All other content, including music and graphics is © 2017 Ben10do.