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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Merge several sections into a single one.

This module is experimental.


org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections creates a section named targetSectionName that is a concatenation of all sections that satisfy sectionFilter. Layers, annotations, relations and tuples of the source sections are copied to the new section. Additionally, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections can select or strip contents from annotations from fragmentLayerName.



Type: String

Name of the section to create.


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each annotation created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each relation created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each section created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each tuple created by this module


Type: String

Name of the layer that contains annotations to include/exclude in/from the new section contents. If this parameter is not set, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections concatenates the whole contents of the sections.


Type: String

Name of the layer in the new section that contains annotations that have the span of the contents of the source sections. Each source section is represented by a distinct annotation. This annotations have the same features as the corresponding section (including name). If this parameter is not set, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections does not create thses annotations.

Default value: true

Type: Expression

Only process document that satisfy this filter.

Default value: exclude

Type: FragmentSelection

If this parameter equals include, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections only concatenates contents that is included in annotations in the layer fragmentLayerName. If this parameter equals exclude, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.clone.MergeSections only concatenates contents that is not included in annotations in the layer fragmentLayerName. If fragmentLayerName is not set, then this parameter is ignored.

Default value: ``

Type: String

Text to insert between the contents of concatenated fragments. If fragmentLayerName is not set, then this parameter is ignored.

Default value: true

Type: Boolean

Either to remove the sections that have been concatenated after the new section has been created.

Default value: true

Type: Expression

Process only sections that satisfy this filter.

Default value: ``

Type: String

Text to insert between the contents of the concatenated sections.

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