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How To Use

Jacob Morris edited this page Jan 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Using this add-on is very simple! The first thing to do is open Node Editor > Properties. As long as the add-on has been installed; you should see the NodeIO Panel towards the bottom.

Panel Options

  • Image/Export

If Import:

  • Import Type -> (File, Folder):
  • File: Imports just file at Import Path unless it is .zip file, in which case, the zipped folder is extracted and all files within it are imported.
  • Folder: Import all files within the folder at Import Path
  • Add Node Tree To Object?: Only done if applicable, like if file being imported is a material file
  • Import Path
  • Import Node Tree: Loads node tree in from .bnodes file selected in Import Path

If Export:

  • Dependency Paths -> (Absolute Paths, Relative Paths):
  • Absolute Paths: The file path that is stored is specific to your computer, meaning, the file cannot be imported elsewhere unless the dependencies are located at the exact same file paths.
  • Relative Paths: Any dependencies are automatically copied to a new folder with the .bnodes file. Any references within the .bnodes file are set to use the copy in the new folder, meaning that a material with images can be packed together and shared easily.
  • Compress Folder?: Only applicable if Relative Paths is picked. Folder with output file and any dependencies is compressed into a .zip file.
  • Export Path
  • Export Node Tree: Exports active node tree in Node Editor to .bnodes file
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