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HardCoded edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Bob-Rust-Java wiki!



First when you start the application you need to press Make Fullscreen to configure the drawing area.

If the game is located on another monitor you can press Select Monitor to change monitor. To change the type of sign you want to draw to you press Options > Select Sign Type where you can select the sign. In Options you can also customize the editor border color, toolbar color and label color.

Drawing area

First press on Show Regions to enable the drawing area. Then you need to press Canvas Region and drag on the screen where the canvas on the game is located. It is important that you select the same size as the canvas ingame or the quality of the image will be reduced.

After this you need to select an image to draw. Press Load Image to load an image from your computer and then press Image Region to position the image inside the canvas.


If you want the image to have a higher quality press Options and change Max Shapes to 99999. Press Start Generate to generate the image. This could take some time depending on how high quality you want the image to have. But it wont take more than 5 minutes.

Press Pause Generate when you are happy with your result and want to draw it ingame.

Draw The Image

Press Draw Image. Inside this screen you can change how many shapes you want to use and this will automatically update the estimated amount of time required to paint. If you want to check the exact time before you start painting you can press Calculate Exact Time but this might take a couple of seconds depending on how many shapes you specified. (5-30 seconds for 60000 shapes)

When you are ready to draw the image press Select Color Palette to locate the color palette. If this failed please report that to this github and tell us what went wrong and please provide a screenshot of how it looked when it didn't work.

If the color palette step was sucessfull then press Start Drawing. This will take controll of your mouse and if you move it. Then the drawing process will stop and you will need to restart everything again.


After all of these steps you should have your very own image inside of rust :D

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