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Releases: CCI-Tools/cate-desktop


09 Mar 18:36
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30 Apr 16:02
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How to install


30 Mar 17:01
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2.0.0-dev.26 Pre-release

How to install

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.26

  • Removed checking for existence of deactivate.bat as part of installation validation on Windows.
    The deactivate.bat script is no longer part of conda environments.
  • Upgraded Cesium to version 1.53.
  • Fixed a display problem where spatial subsets of datasets appeared shifted on the 3D globe view
  • Cate now depends on gdal 2.3.3 and geos 3.7.1 to solve failed installation issue
    #843 and possibly #842
  • Fixed a dependency issue caused by fiona by removing defaults channel (and consequently using only conda-forge channel)


18 Jan 14:08
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2.0.0-dev.25 Pre-release

How to install

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.25

  • Increased default time-out for data downloads from 10 to 90 seconds. Addresses (but not fixes)
  • Fixed failing download of Sea-Ice CCI data (ValueError: The truth value
    of an array with more than one element is ambiguous). Addresses (but not fixes)
    #832 - we now display better error message
  • Fixed installation problem with latest Miniconda 4.5.12


19 Dec 17:21
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2.0.0-dev.24 Pre-release

How to install

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.24

  • A set of related data access issues that all occurred if data was downloaded from ODP using a spatial subset
    has hopefully been addressed in one go. Issues include:
    • Cannot download SST dataset - I/O error. #823
    • Unable to open soil moisture dataset, key error in #822
    • Failure downloading data with region constraint. #818
    • Fire: Copying remote data failed. #816
    • Landcover: NetCDF access failure. #783
  • Cate now uses new CCI ODP service endpoints. #825
  • Cate now uses Python 3.7 as a consequence of resolving #824:
    Windows build for 2.0.0-dev.23 broken.
  • Fixed broken build on Windows that lets Cate raise
    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found when loading GDAL shared libraries. #824
  • Fixed potential runtime performance bottleneck when creating spatial subsets, especially when downloading data subsets.
  • Cate now distinguishes network connection problems from errors of other origin. Introduced new
    error type cate.core.ds.NetworkError that is raised if a connection to e.g.
    CCI ODP services can not be established. #789
  • In coregistration make sure the replica dataset is simply returned if it is
    already on master grid. #805


27 Nov 12:40
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2.0.0-dev.23 Pre-release

How to install

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version uses Cate Python backend version 2.0.0.dev22.

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.23

  • Fix dataset name can contain only letters, numbers underscore, dot and minus #811
  • Fix for SST data download error #798


27 Nov 10:45
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2.0.0-dev.22 Pre-release

This version has been discarded. Use version 2.0.0-dev.23 instead.


07 Nov 13:20
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2.0.0-dev.21 Pre-release

How to install

Changes in 2.0.0.dev21

  • Fix dataset name can contain only letters, numbers underscore and dot #343
  • Fix non-spatial data variables sometimes being altered when using subset_spatial #786
  • Fix subsetting datasets with lon>180 when using open_dataset #787
  • Fix for Aerosol data download error #664
  • Pearson correlation scalar operation now works on N-D data variables #746
  • Make sure integer data variables can be coregistered #770
  • Fix an issue with coregistering datasets with inverted latitudes #733
  • Fix Cate Desktop UI freeze when computing min max on data that is all NaN #797


26 Sep 14:14
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2.0.0-dev.20 Pre-release

How to install

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.20

  • Changed order and names of new data_frame_subset operation inputs.
  • Improved scatter plot #763.
    We can now plot N-D arrays. Plot types are "Point", "Hexbin", and "2D Histogram".
  • Fixed problem where workspace save-as sometimes fails on Windows #764
  • Fixed: Simplified GeoDataFrame subsets cannot provide detailed geometry #768.
  • Fixed: GUI doesn't reopen after closing it #765.
  • On exit, warn user for unsaved changes.


24 Sep 05:29
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2.0.0-dev.19 Pre-release

Changes in 2.0.0-dev.19

  • Must click twice to expand point to polygon #709
  • Added operation write_geo_data_frame() #758
  • Numbers displayed with too many digits #754
  • Improved error handling in operation pearson_correlation_scalar(), addresses #746
  • Fixed error in plot_xxx() operations "'NoneType' object is not iterable" #749
  • Fixed problem with coregister() operation on data subsets #747
  • Fixed operations data_frame_aggregate() and data_frame_subset() to let users select variables (columns) of selected data frame.
  • Added information about resources of type DataFrame and GeoDataFrame in the details section of the WORSPACE panel.
  • Updated default colour mappings and default variables for more Sea Level CCI products
  • Fixed performance regression introduced by resolution of #592.
    If VARIABLES panel was opened, the 3D Globe rendering performance was poor.
  • Fixed regression introduced by resolution of #702.
    Value of selected features and value of grid cells at mouse pointer didn't show anymore.