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Releases: CDLUC3/dmptool


17 Jul 23:11
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v5.21 Pre-release

Fixes #626

  • Added domain as an acceptable controller param for dmphub_modifications


08 Jul 19:20
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v5.20 Pre-release
  • Fixes an issue with the default PDF settings when pre-rendering PDF for the 'Public Plans' page and the DMP ID landing pages #621


08 Jul 18:27
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v5.18 Pre-release
  • Fixes issue with DMP Upload pages not having a title and not scrolling to the top of the page when the user returns from a page like 'Contributors' to the 'Plan Overview' #559


27 Jun 00:30
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v5.17 Pre-release

Fixes for #601

  • Add an override so that the DMPUpload file field is visible

Cleanup of JS build:

  • Rebuilt package.json file from the ground up
  • Removed popper.js (we no longer use), hogan.js (don't see it used anywhere and it is no longer maintained), puppeteer (no reference to it anywhere), rails-erb-loader (we removed the use of this in a recent release), react-scripts (was causing a lot of vulnerability alerts for its dependencies and is only used to create new React apps),
  • Fixed some deprecated math calculations in the Rails sass files
  • updated webpack config which was using deprecated babel plugins

Fixes for 502 errors #605.

  • Added index to the settings table
  • Performance improvements to the registry_orgs_controller.rb
  • Performance improvements to the answers_controller.rb
  • Performance improvements to the plans_controller.rb and app/view/branded/plans/_download_form.html.erb

Fixes for #604.

  • Replace use of wicked_pdf gem which used the now defunct wkhtmltopdf package with the grover gem which uses puppeteer and headless chrome. This occurs in the following files: plan_exports_controller.rb, pdf_publisher_job.rb and public_pages_controller
  • Updated Gemfile to remove the aforementioned gems and add grover
  • Removed wkhtmltopdf from Rails config
  • Added an initializer to setup grover properly
  • Added Roboto and Tinos fonts for use by Puppeteer
  • Add the publisher_job_status field to the templates table and added narrative to the template model so that we can store the PDF version of a template in ActiveStorage
  • Update the Template publication workflow so that it pre-renders the template as a PDF and stores it in ActiveStorage
  • Update both the public facing "Funder Requirements" and "Public Plans" pages to return the pre-rendered PDFs from ActiveStorage when available.
  • Update the PdfPublisherJob to use Grover to build PDFs
  • Added new tasks for Capistrano so that it will install Chrome on the server if it does not already exist and will also install the Roboto and Tinos fonts
  • Added Rake task to pre-render all public templates
  • Updated gem and JS dependencies


26 Jun 23:01
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v5.17-rc4 Pre-release
Merge pull request #616 from CDLUC3/bug/pdf-grover

Bug/pdf grover


25 Jun 18:23
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v5.17-rc2 Pre-release
  • added missing Roboto and Tinos fonts


25 Jun 17:44
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v5.17-rc1 Pre-release

Fixes for #601

  • Add an override so that the DMPUpload file field is visible

Cleanup of JS build:

  • Rebuilt package.json file from the ground up
  • Removed popper.js (we no longer use), hogan.js (don't see it used anywhere and it is no longer maintained), puppeteer (no reference to it anywhere), rails-erb-loader (we removed the use of this in a recent release), react-scripts (was causing a lot of vulnerability alerts for its dependencies and is only used to create new React apps),
  • Fixed some deprecated math calculations in the Rails sass files
  • updated webpack config which was using deprecated babel plugins

Fixes for 502 errors #605.

  • Added index to the settings table
  • Performance improvements to the registry_orgs_controller.rb
  • Performance improvements to the answers_controller.rb
  • Performance improvements to the plans_controller.rb and app/view/branded/plans/_download_form.html.erb

Fixes for #604.

  • Replace use of wicked_pdf gem which used the now defunct wkhtmltopdf package with the grover gem which uses puppeteer and headless chrome. This occurs in the following files: plan_exports_controller.rb, pdf_publisher_job.rb and public_pages_controller
  • Updated Gemfile to remove the aforementioned gems and add grover
  • Removed wkhtmltopdf from Rails config
  • Added an initializer to setup grover properly
  • Add the publisher_job_status field to the templates table and added narrative to the template model so that we can store the PDF version of a template in ActiveStorage
  • Update the Template publication workflow so that it pre-renders the template as a PDF and stores it in ActiveStorage
  • Update both the public facing "Funder Requirements" and "Public Plans" pages to return the pre-rendered PDFs from ActiveStorage when available.
  • Update the PdfPublisherJob to use Grover to build PDFs
  • Added new tasks for Capistrano so that it will install Chrome on the server if it does not already exist and will also install the Roboto and Tinos fonts
  • Added Rake task to pre-render all public templates
  • Updated gem and JS dependencies


12 Jun 14:58
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v5.16.2 Pre-release
  • Patch issue with the DMP Upload File input field not being visible on the page #601


12 Jun 20:22
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v5.16.rc-3 Pre-release

rebuild package.json
clean up deprecations


29 May 15:37
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v5.16 Pre-release
  • Updates to wording, changed "Privacy policy" to "Policy statement"
  • New autosuggest for the pilot project page with the repository selector
  • Final dashboard changes from phase 1
    • Added modal slide out containing high level project details when the icon next to the project title (on the DMP Upload dashboard) is clicked
    • Added the number of related works that have been found next to the PI info on the DMP Upload dashboard
  • Updates to the DMP Upload dashboards slide out drawer based on UAT feedback
    • fixed some issues with the display of the related works count in the grey text that appears under the DMP title (See screenshot).
    • fixed issue with the grant id display in the slide out modal
    • fixed issue with the z-index of the new slide out modal (DMP ID urls were showing through the modal)
    • Added an 'X' close button to upper right of modal
    • Modified the display of the Project start/end dates
    • Fixed overflow of long grant id URLs
  • Update to API v2 to include the pilot project uploaded DMPs
  • Updates to all gem and JS dependencies
  • Unlocked the MySQL gem so that it could upgrade to 0.5.6
  • Updated the drafts_controller so that it calls out to the DMPHub to fetch related works found by the harvesters upon initial load