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178 lines (112 loc) · 7.5 KB

File metadata and controls

178 lines (112 loc) · 7.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Types of changes

  • Added for new features.
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed for now removed features.
  • Fixed for any bug fixes.
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities.


  • Fixed hidden global internal timeout of 240s with Oracle driver is now disabled by default


  • Changed table or column names were not correctly matched in terms of case sensitivity (lowercase or uppercase) in table.yaml
  • Added new command query to execute any SQL query on any SQL datasource


  • Added flag --watch (short -w) to lino push command


  • Fixed panic during push on Oracle database with a null column value
  • Fixed issue with SQL queries involving limit orders in SQL Server database
  • Fixed panic when using autotruncate on a null value


  • Added columns information and export type using the lino table extract command, columns and keys organized according to the database order
  • Added flag --only-tables to lino table extract command. This flag allows for the extraction of table information exclusively, excluding columns. It has been included to maintain the previous behavior
  • Added flag --with-db-infos to lino table extract command. This flag enables the extraction of information regarding column types, length, size, and precision if the column has been configured with these specifications
  • Added flag --autotruncate to lino push command. This flag will enable a truncate on each value based each dbinfo.length parameters set in the table.yaml file for each columns
  • Added property dbinfo.bytes to column definition in table.yaml file. Set it to true to truncate the value based on a maximum number of bytes and not characters (assuming utf-8 encoding for now)
  • Added flags --max-length and --bytes to lino table add-column command. Use it to edit the properties dbinfo.length and dbinfo.bytes of the table.yaml file


  • Fixed performance issue with import: file


  • Added sqlserver support
  • Added flags to lino analyse : sample-size, distinct, limit, where and table (by default distinct values are not counted)
  • Added flags to lino analyse : exlude and exlude-pk to exclude columns from analyse
  • Added flags to lino pull : -X or --exclude-from-file to filter out lines from a JSON lines file reference
  • Added flags to lino push : --savepoint to write primary keys of all commited line to a file
  • Added new import types to table.yaml : blob will optimize push of blob column into database, file will read content of a file at the specified path and import as a blob


  • Added command analyse to extract metrics from the database in YAML format


  • Added go-ora driver for oracle in replacement of old driver (remove technical prerequisite to install Oracle Instant Client)


  • Added flag --pk-translation allow update of primary keys, by giving a cache.jsonl file containing old and new values for a specific key
  • Added if a JSON object contains a __usingpk__ with a dictionary of key/values, it will be used by the push command to select the target record to update (push update only)
  • Added where clauses (child and parent) in ingress descriptor to enable non-start table filtering
  • Fixed oracle connector disable/enable contraints cascade


  • Added import property in tables.yaml allow to specify format of data to read from JSON stream (string (default), numeric, binary or base64 (same), datetime, timestamp) therefore import and export now mirror each other (import is used at push and export at pull) but import still allow to specify the data type to pass to database driver (backward compatibility)
  • Added import property in tables.yaml allow to specify a format AND a type at the same time with the format(type) syntax (e.g. import: binary(int64))
  • Added websocket connector with basic auth, supported schemes : ws, wss (BETA)
  • Added flag --stats to generate a stat file or HTTP POST
  • Added flag --statsTemplate to control the format of generated stats
  • Fixed lino push truncate with --table option doesn't truncate table #123


  • Added export mode all in tables.yaml to export all columns even if some columns are defined in the columns property


  • Fixed Bad SQL update statement for oracle
  • Fixed Reset statement after error during push #54
  • Fixed Continue to close others row writers after error


  • Changed order of keys in output JSON lines will be alphabetical when pulling (without configuration in tables.yaml)
  • Added configuration of export format / import type for columns in tables.yaml, see issue #33 for more information
  • Added MariaDB/MySQL support (thanks to @joaking85)
  • Added auto-select columns required by a relation but not exported in tables.yaml
  • Added new commands to configure tables : add-column and remove-column
  • Added New command to count lines in tables
  • Fixed limit keyword on DB2 dialect
  • Fixed Push truncate respect child/parent constraint order
  • Fixed Push truncate will trigger only for attainable tables in the ingress descriptor - tables that are cut out will not be truncated
  • Fixed push insert with mysql/mariadb connector now works properly with MySQL database
  • Fixed push insert with mysql/mariadb connector will not update record if it exists


  • Added HTTP connector will now close/reopen request when commit size is reached


  • Fixed charset on Content-Type header when pushing to HTTP connector backend


  • Fixed some HTTP library doesn't support a body payload on a HTTP GET request, therefore the HTTP connector will pass the "filter" parameter through the headers in addition to the request body


  • Added new verb to extract, to get status and to update sequences


  • Added new parameter to pull only distinct values from the start table


  • Added new datasource type with string connection http://... LINO can pull/push data to an HTTP Endpoint API


  • Added option to change ingress-descriptor filename
  • Changed update debian image to last stable (debian:stable-20210816-slim)


  • Added update Pimo to v1.8.0


  • Added statistics report for push and pull executions (thanks to @CapKicklee)
  • Changed some info level logs to debug level in pull module


  • Fixed Revert convert JSON date to Oracle date format as a workaround for godror


  • Added flag to enable or disable coloring in output logs (--color [yes|no|auto])
  • Added update Pimo to v1.6.1


  • Fixed Remove ENTRYPOINT and change CMD in oracle docker image


  • Added structured logs (debug & json format) (thanks to @CapKicklee)


  • Fixed extract composite primary keys for oracle
  • Fixed protect columns names in insert statement


  • Fixed Missing where keyword for Oracle SQL Query


  • Added --where flag to use a raw sql where clause to filter rows of start table
  • Added Oracle database support
  • Security remove connection string from log


  • Added First public version released