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Releases: CIDARLAB/3DuF


01 Oct 17:23
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September 2019 Update

New Features

  • Support for Laser Cutting design files as used by the Evolver System.
  • Added Plugin for open design files from DAFD. Provides templates for specialized plugins and how to add them.

Depreciated Features

  • Disabled Circle Valve tool
  • Disabled Via tool. Future versions of 3DuF will include a more comprehensive via placement tool. ( #156 )

Code Notes

  • More code changes to simplify interfaces and make them more stable
  • Adding interfaces for upcoming autoroute tool

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed #152
  • Fixed issue where the valve insertion tool was computing incorrect segments after valve insertion break. Also, fixed logic for finding the break in the correct segment, an earlier version of the code kept returning if nothing was found causing more errors.
  • Fixed issue where Transition features did not have rotation associated with them.


  • Updated Readme to include citation information
  • Added try-catch around the JSON parsing code to display better messages on the console
  • Updated the debug map file location to hosted URL for resolving in TrackJS
  • Updated error handling for an unsupported entity found in DXF files


03 Apr 16:31
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Release Log

Added Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Enabled Panning with arrow keys in addition to middle mouse click
  • Enabled reset-to-default-view using F key (#122 )
  • Implemented Copy/Paste (ctrl+C, ctrl+V)
  • Implemented Undo capability (ctrl+Z)
  • Esc key can now be used to deselect stop the current tool and activate the select tool
  • Implemented Select All (ctrl+A)
  • Save JSON file (ctrl+S)

UX Enhancements

  • Added toolbar for editing grid settings
  • Added zoom slider to the UI
  • Updated unit labels for parameter windows
  • Parameter window is now translucent when used with selections in canvas (#116 )
  • On selecting components that have multiple rendered objects, all of the associated objects get selected (#118 #120 )
  • Added window to edit the device name and dimensions (#59 )
  • Added window to upload and manage the device border
  • Added revert-component-to-default button on the right-click context menu (#110 )
  • Added copy, delete, move button on the right-click context menu (#68 )
  • Added copy-to-all button on the right-click context menu. It opens a window that allows the user to select which components will be modified (#115 )
  • Added tool window that appears when move button is clicked
  • Added ability to create and manage more layer levels for the microfluidic device (#48)
  • Added ability to rename components (#96 )
  • Added generate-array option to component right-click menu
  • Some keyboard shortcuts work anywhere on the window
  • Limited capability of generating a RAT's nest view for abstract designs

Updated Components

  • Added Gradient Generator
  • Added Y-Tree (#80 )
  • Added Droplet Generator
  • Updated Transposer (#124 )
  • Updated Chamber (#77 )
  • Updated Curved Mixer (#135 )

New User Tools

  • Created Standalone selection tool (#109 )
  • Added tool for editing chip information and resizing
  • Added tool for text insertion (#114 )
  • Updated channel tools to connection tools
  • Added tool to insert Alignment Markers for photolithography
  • Implemented a mechanism for generating 1D, 2D replicas of components while actively updating the internal device representation. (#46 )
  • Valve insertion tool now enforces the Valve Components to be placed only on CONNECTION features. When placing VALVE3D on the connection, it automatically redraws the connection to include the gaps. It also redraws the connection when the user deletes a valve place on the connection to refill the gap. Users are allowed to force the placement of valves at any given position by holding the ctrl or meta keys during the placement. This, however, will not redraw the connections, autorotate the valve (#136 ).
  • Limited capability Taguchi Designer available

Manufacturing Enhancement Features

  • Automatically generate the border for the device on resize (#81 )
  • Added support for generating outputs for CNC milling (#100 #67)

DXF Support

  • Added ability to import DXF borders and automatically resizes the device. Supported DXF Objects:
    1. LINE
    3. ARC
    4. ELLIPSE
    5. CIRCLE
  • Ability to import DXF geometries as custom components
  • DXF component defintions are saved on the JSON file and will repopulate the custom components toolbar on import

Data Model Updates

  • Introduced EDGE type feature
  • Added ability to arbitrarily add and remove new layers as groups. Adding new layers to the design will automatically generate control layers which hold relationships to the corresponding flow layers. Future versions of the software will support more complex 3D routing strategies.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the component selection wasn't working correctly for multilayered components (#118 )
  • Can export SVGs without ports (#17 )

Architecture Changes

  • Updated the new component extension system. Now its far easier to extend the tool.

v1.0.0.1 - Bugfix release

16 Feb 21:42
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SVG output and JSON loading bugfixes


25 Jun 03:51
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version 1