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Radhakrishna Sanka edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 9 revisions


Overview of the wiki:

  1. Netlist Rules and Examples
  2. Primitives
  3. Predefined Modules
  4. Creating Custom Modules
  5. 3D Structures (For novel fabrication)
  6. Experimental
  7. Using the ANTLR Grammar for your Project
  8. Contributing

Sections 1-3, talk in detail about how to use the predefined constructs and components for building microfluidic devices. Section 4 explains how one can build their own library of components using the the predefined primitives and modules. Section 5 describes the various constructs that would be used in Makerfluidics devices. Section 6 explains how one can use the ANTLR grammar in their own projects to recognize the MINT netlist descriptions.