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Fixing cookie problems #8

Fixing cookie problems

Fixing cookie problems #8

Workflow file for this run

name: Deploy-Auth
on: # when to run the workflow
push: # when a push event occurs
branches: # when the push event occurs on the following branches
- master # only when the push event occurs on the master branch
- 'auth/**' # only when the push event occurs on the auth folder
jobs: # the jobs to run
build: # build job
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # the type of machine to run the job on
steps: # the steps to run in the job
- uses: actions/[email protected] # checkout the files in the repo to the runner machine
- run: cd auth && docker build -t cmhr007/ticketing-auth . # build the image
- run: docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD # login to docker hub
- run: docker push cmhr007/ticketing-auth # push the image to docker hub
- uses: digitalocean/[email protected] # login to digital ocean
token: ${{secrets.DO_TOKEN}} # digital ocean token
- run: doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save ticketing # save the kubeconfig file
- run: kubectl rollout restart deployment auth-depl # restart the deployment