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Team Meeting

Ze Hui Peng edited this page Nov 28, 2020 · 66 revisions

This page will keep track of our team meeting notes throughout the project

Friday Nov 27, 2020


  • This is our last meeting 🎉🎉

What to discuss:

  • Javadoc (PRs need review and approval)
  • Mock UI and Storyboard (PR need review and approval), wiki page need to be updated
  • UML
  • Video Demo
    • Use Zoom to record
    • Powerpoint slide on the left, emulator/phone projection on the right

Task before next Monday:

  • Write some unit test and intent test before the project due time

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020


  • We have finished All User Stories 🎉🎉🎉🎉

What to discuss/What's left for this project:

  • Write some Unit/Intent tests
  • Javadocs
  • Done: Update Product Backlog
  • Update Mock UI and Storyboard
  • Update UML Diagram
  • Record our demo video

Monday Nov 23, 2020

What to discuss:

  • exising PRs.

Tasks: check is assigned

  • Unit testing
  • javadoc & generation & deploy on github?
  • fix owned list add button hiding the last book
  • fix requested detail action button "view all requests" (right now doing nothing)
  • google book api


  • make async buttons progress buttons to prevent spamming
  • user detail button in the book detail activities

User Stories left:

  • Done with a few WIP

Friday Nov 20, 2020

What to discuss:

  • Talk about final deliverables
  • When should we do the demo video recording?

User Stories left:

  • Map (Integration)
    • Also allow borrower to view the location
  • Scanner (Scan to return and owner Scan to receive)
  • Fully Integrate Borrowed Tab

Nice to Have:

  • View owner information in detail page (all detail page except owned)
  • View borrower information in detail page (owned detail page with a "Borrowed" status)

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020

What to discuss:

  • Reminder: complete the peer review form by this Friday, Nov 20
  • Discuss everyone's progress on the assigned task from Monday

Monday Nov 16, 2020

What to discuss:

  • Some notes on the PR that are open:
    • #119 - ✔️
    • #118 - ✔️ but missing the changes from 1 file(see comments in PR)
    • #114 - ✔️ good to merge, we might want to disable status from displaying in the "Browse" fragment
  • Talk about Trung's progress on implementing the map
  • Talk about how to refactor Glide/GlideApp related code(see Zehui's comment in #119)


Assign some tasks on the features left:

  • Integrate "Accepted" tab (very similar to "Requested")
  • Adding a new button in base detail page that will show the owner detail(like how we are showing it in Profile after searching the user)
  • Notification
  • For the owner's detail page, implement the text and/or features for buttons depending on the book status
    • Available - Cannot think of any actions.. Maybe delete the book, or find some way to unrender the button
    • Requested - View All Requests? Although we already have this in the three dot popup menu
    • Accepted - Scan to hand over the book
    • Borrowed - Scan to receive a returned book and denote it as available
  • For the "Requested" detail page, implement the text for the button to be "Waiting for Acceptance", and change the color of the button to gray in Java code(not xml file, since the button is shared in all detail pages)
    • see here for the mockup example
    • What happens when a request is denied?
  • For the owner's detail page, implement the feature that disallow owner to edit book if the book status is not "Available"
  • For the View Request Activity, should we have a button that allows the owner to reject all requests?
    • If owner rejects all request, should the status of the book change? Requested -> Available

Task for next few days:

  • Qi - Integrate "Accepted" tab
  • Trung - Continue on map
  • Lucas - Refactoring code and look into notification
  • Meilin - add text to all buttons in detail page
  • Khang - Refactoring code and look into scanning to accept/return
  • Ze - Refactoring code and disable owner to edit book if book status is not "Available"

Friday Nov 13, 2020

What to discuss:

  • progress check on opened PRs(a lot 😿)
    • #108 - ✔️ after changing to allow either 10 or 13 digits
    • #109 - ✔️, two minor comments from khang
    • #111 - 🔍 changes made, need someone to review again
    • #112 - 🔍 fixed bug found by Lucas, need another round of review
    • #114 - ✔️ looks good to merge, this might impact the "Browse" page as the page is not actually display the status of the book
    • #115 - ✔️ looks good to merge
    • #116 - 🔍 need someone to review, one comment from Zehui, do we want to display books that the user have requested in browse page? Seems to be duplicating with "Requested" tab in "Borrow" fragment
    • #117 - 🔍 need someone to review

Task for next few days:

  • Try to merge all opened PRs, and assign new tasks for the detail pages

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020

What to discuss:

  • progress check on opened PRs
    • #101 - Good to Merge?
    • #108 - need to wait for #101 to be merged
    • #109 - functionality working, need someone to review
    • #111 - some comments to address
    • #112 - discuss if we want to keep filter states after switching to new activity/fragment
    • #113 - need to wait for both #101 and #108 are merged

Task for next few days:

  • Everyone - address open PR reviews
  • Qi - address PR reviews(if any) and Unit test for profile edit
  • Khang - Functionality on request
  • Lucas - Browse Search
  • Meilin - Finish up Detail Page
  • Trung - Map
  • Ze - Requested page integration

Monday Nov 9, 2020

What to discuss:

  • check on progress with existing PRs
  • loose discussion

During the meeting:

  • agreed on Zehui's stacked buttons, agreed on further menu change

Friday Nov 6, 2020

What to discuss:

  • check on progress with existing PRs
  • check on the the features still left to be implemented
  • assign tasks for some of the features

Notes and Task for next few days:

Planned Features:

  • Browse Book Integration - Khang
  • Filter books in "My Books" - Ze
  • Delete Photograph - Lucas
  • Book Details for borrowers - Meilin
  • Map - Trung
  • Constraint ISBN to only allow 13 digits - Qi

Wendesday Nov 4, 2020

What to discuss:

All the Part 3 deliverables

  1. Addressing Feedback:
  • Keep this page updated!
  1. Code Base of Prototype:
  • make sure all features are working
  1. Code Documentation:
  • go over progress on javadoc, need javadoc on all our ViewModel classes
  1. Test Cases:
  • go over progress on the process of everyone's unit test/intent test assigned on Monday
  1. Object-Oriented Design:
  • go over progress on updated UML diagram, make sure it's transferred to GitHub from Lucid chart
  1. Product Backlog:
  • go over the updated backlog, identify any User Stories that should be marked as In Progress or Done
  1. User Interface Mockups and Storyboard Sequences:
  • go over progress on UI and Storyboard, make sure the images are transferred to GitHub from Figma
  1. Sprint Planning and Reviews:
  • That will be this page?
  1. Demonstration:
  • During tomorrow's lab time

Task for next few days:

  • Finish the unit test/intent tests
  • Finish Storyboard and UML and transfer the images to github

Monday Nov 2, 2020

What to discuss:

  1. #88 about test data
  2. #83 progress/design discussion
  3. Test cases split work: (unit + intent?)
    • create account actions
    • user profile edit
    • user search
    • add book
    • (delete book)
  4. Javadoc split work
  5. UML + Storyboard update

During the meeting:

  • New firebase project used for testing ONLY
  • look into how to run multiple test concurrently without data interfering
  • demo Espresso Test Recorder

Task for next few days: Unit/Intent/Javadoc:

  • create account actions - Meilin
  • user profile edit - Qi
  • user search - Lucas
  • add book - Trung
  • (delete book) - Khang
  • UML Update - Khang
  • Storyboard update - Lucas & Ze

Friday Oct 30, 2020

What to discuss:

  1. discuss about storing image url in book document
  2. discuss #85: complexity of passing data between activities
  3. discuss #78: discrepancy of firebaseUser and our user's phone number, possibly getting rid of it
  4. review all other PRs together, identify issues
  5. plan onwards

During the meeting:

  1. not storing url
  2. good
  3. remove and User.displayName (another PR), this PR is good.
  4. talked about browse fragment search (code design)
  5. browse page: book list starts from requests, filter for book status where not borrowed/accepted + requests where not current user. book status keep four.

Tasks for next few days:

  1. create unit tests, intent tests and javadoc
  2. owned book list filter
More to look into
  1. notification: look into it
  2. integrate scan to add with google books isbn api
  3. integrate browse + borrow fragments

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Progress check on assigned issues
  2. Create issues based on user stories
  3. discuss how a general RecyclerView can be used in multiple fragments

Task for next few days:

  • work on your assigned issues, see issue tab for detail

Monday Oct 19, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Progress check on assigned issues

Task for next few days:

  • Study for midterm 🥇

Friday Oct 16, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over Sprint Backlog, identify items to do in the first sprint
  2. Create issues and start assigning tasks

Task for next few days:

  • Work on your assigned issue

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over the current UI and UML, finalize it and export it to github

Task for next few days:

  • Save UML and put it on Github
  • Save Storyboard and put it on Github
  • For each UI page, give a description

Monday Oct 12, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over the current UI and UML, discuss if anything is missing and/or need to be changed


  • Process for borrower to return a book? Does borrower need to scan the book? Do both parties(owner & borrower) need to confirm the return?
  • Book Details Page for Mock UI
  • Where to put buttons for each book in the list? * Fragment that can be clicked with different options * Put it in the book details page

Task for next few days:

  • Storyboard: each UI page needs:
    • a description on the functionality
    • what action can bring the user to this page? (clicking which button? under what condition?)
  • Clean up and finalize UML page

Friday Oct 9, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over the current UI and UML, discuss if anything is missing and/or need to be changed


  • Change 'Owner' Nav to 'Your Library', having 'Your Books' and 'Borrowed Books' tabs
  • UML: choose a wrapper logic(currently NotificationManager, could be something else) bases on firebase notification SDK

Questions to ask customer:

  • Scanning the book - do both the owner and borrowers have to scan the book for the status to change to "borrowed"?
  • Does a book allows to have multiple copies(with the same ISBN)?
  • How does borrower return a book? Does the borrower also specify a geo location for both the owner and borrowers to meet?
  • Does firebase notification suffice for the notify user story? what kind of notification?

Task for next few days:

  • Continue to work on Mock UI and UML
  • ask questions above
  • Discuss about the necessity of using IDs for Request and Book and User (vs. querying based on unique fields only)

Wednesday Oct 7, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over the constructed important classes and activities with the team to determine if any part needs revision

    • This is just some ideas, and not the final decision/implementation
  2. Assign each team member to either work on the UI Mockup(using Figma) or UML(using Lucidchart)

    • Mockup UI - Ze, Lucas, Qi
    • UML - Meilin, Khang, Trung

Task for next few days:

  • Mockup UI - Construct the login and main screen page, include navigation and top tabs
  • UML - Construct the entity classes and common activities, don't worry about relationship as for now
    • prioritize more on entity classes

Monday Oct 5, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. Go over the product backlog with the team to determine if any part needs revision Task for next few days:

Construct key classes and activities based on product backlog and user stories

  • Each member should come up with classes and activities on the user stories you did in the product backlog
  • See the meeting notes for below for your responsible section

Friday Oct 2, 2020

During the meeting:

  1. First Meeting, assign tasks for everyone to start the Product Backlog with some User Stories

Task for next few days:

  • Lucas - Books section
  • Khang - User Profile and Searching section
  • Trung - Borrowing and Return section
  • Ze - Photograph and Location section
  • Meilin - Requesting section
  • Qi - Accepting section