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Releases: CSB5/OPERA-MS

Release v0.8.3

30 Jun 13:55
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FIX: Error during strain clustering
FIX: Error during gapfilling
NEW: Allow users to choose between megahit or SPAdes short read assembler

Release v0.8.2

12 Nov 00:25
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  • Allow OPERA-MS to be used on both Python 2 and Python 3

Release v0.8.1

04 Sep 05:18
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: Issue during gap-filling when long-read coverage is low.
FIX: Strain-clustering issue when the assembly contains a long tail of high coverage contig window.

Release v0.8.0

19 Aug 07:43
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: Improved run time for contig coverage estimation.
FIX: Improved run time for reference-based clustering.
NEW: Assembly statistics.
NEW: User interface.

Release v0.7.0-beta

15 Jul 06:08
Choose a tag to compare

OPERA-MS version used to produce the results presented in the paper.