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Allu is a system to manage public area usage in Helsinki. It is used to handle, grant, monitor and manage rights and notifications to use the public areas. Billing for using the area is also handled via Allu.

Governed public areas include:

  • street
  • sidewalk
  • the bike path
  • green area work
  • an event to be organized
  • land for rent

Setting up Local Environment

  • Recomendation is to open allu project into three projects when you develop it: backend, frontend and deployment


Setting up toolchains

Example of toolchains.xml file . Change jdKHome path to were your designated version of Java 8 and 11 is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!-- JDK toolchains -->
            <jdkHome>path to Java 8 JDK</jdkHome>
            <jdkHome>path to Java 11 JDK</jdkHome>

Setting up Database

For database you need docker. Docker will start up postgresql and elasticsearch for project. Commands has been done in linux environment.


  1. you need to increase max virtualmemory for elastic search: edit file /etc/sysctl.conf by putting row: vm.max_map_count=262144
  2. Go to folder allu/deployment/roles/database/files/database_docker/
  3. run docker-compose up

Setting up backend

will be found under backend folder and bare minimun is to start 4 service:

  • allu-ui-service
  • model-service
  • search-service
  • external-service

Starting class for each service can be found inside /src/java/ You also need to install wkhtmltopdf and set it in /backend/pdf-service/src/resources/ There you change pdf.generator to point where you installed wkhtmltopdf. Correct version of wkhtmltopdf can be found deployment/roles/backend/files/wkhtmltox-0.12.3_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz If you want swagger to work you need to star:

Setting up frontend

Go to folder frontend.

  1. npm install -g @angular/cli
  2. install dedendencies: npm install
  3. start frontend: npm run start
    Optional: if you want hot reload run npm run hmr

When you have database, backend and frontend running you can access to site from localhost:3000/login. Username:allute


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details