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Keycloak Auditor

A Keycloak module to store audit data for user logins. The last logins will be saved as user attributes.

All events created by this listener follow a schema:


To retrieve the login data structure you can use a custom endpoint extensions via Keycloak Admin API:

curl ... http://localhost:8080/realms/master/auditing/users

For further automated reporting, you can use keycloak-reporter additionally.

See example for the docker-compose setup in .bin/

        "id": "44c2cc1f-dd8e-4ca2-be61-21fe72305161",
        "createdTimestamp": 1687417311137,
        "username": "admin",
        "enabled": true,
        "emailVerified": false,
        "realm": "master",
        "lastLogin": "2023-07-14T06:26:30.639007384Z",
        "clientLogins": {
            "security-admin-console": "2023-07-14T06:26:30.639007384Z"
        "id": "7bfdd029-8dfd-49bb-abaa-09ab23dd6d3a",
        "createdTimestamp": 1687417490203,
        "username": "kermit",
        "enabled": true,
        "emailVerified": false,
        "firstName": "Kermit",
        "lastName": "the Frog",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "realm": "master",
        "lastLogin": "2023-07-14T06:26:56.97706909Z",
        "clientLogins": {
            "security-admin-console": "2023-07-14T06:26:44.97453346Z",
            "account-console": "2023-07-14T06:26:56.97706909Z"


The regular Keycloak ADMIN API Authentication is used.



  • JDK 17+
  • Docker

Build and start:

# Build the extension
mvn clean package -DskipTests

# Start keycloak and MySQL database
docker-compose up -d

The Keycloak server will now be available on http://localhost:8080. You can log into the Administration Console using “admin” as both username and password.

Deploy into a standalone keycloak server

NOTE: Instead of building yourself, you can pick the latest release JAR.

  1. Copy the JAR from releases to /opt/keycloak/providers (Keycloak>=22)

NOTE: For Keycloak 20 & 21 use the SPI JAR from 0.3.1 For Keycloak Legacy (<=19) Use the EAR from 0.3.1 and copy it to opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments/

  1. Enable event listener:

  1. To use the REST endpoint (e.g. http://localhost:8080/master/realms/${KEYCLOAK_REALM}/auditing/users) create a client which uses client credentials grant
    • full scope needed for the client
    • Realm Role Mapping neeeded


  • KC_AUD_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_ACCESS - To disable API being externally accessible to a cluster. Set the environment variable 'AUD_DISABLE_EXTERNAL_ACCESS'. Once set enable the header 'X-Forwarded-Host' on your proxy. This is enabled by default on HA Proxy on Openshift. Defaults to false
  • KC_AUD_DISABLE_ROLE_CHECK - To disable realm access check set value to true. Defaults to false
  • KC_AUD_DEFAULT_ROLE - Set the role the client needs to have. Defaults to admin
  • KC_AUD_GLOBAL_MASTER_ACCESS - Enable client in master account to iterate to over realms, Default o false.

You can also the NPM package @continuoussecuritytooling/keycloak-auditor to directly use the rest endpoint:

import { AuditClient } from '@continuoussecuritytooling/keycloak-auditor';

const keycloakUrl = '';
const clientId = '';
const clientSecret = '';

const kcClient = new AuditClient(keycloakUrl, 'master');
// client login
await kcClient.auth({
    clientId: clientId,
    clientSecret: clientSecret,
    grantType: 'client_credentials',
const users = await client.userListing();
const clients = await client.clientListing();