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WebCrawler is a library to obtain articles related to light pollution.

© 2018 Jorge Galán - OEG-UPM. Available under Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE.


  • Download any article from ZENODO and DARKSKY. While Zenodo is a website with a many articles on different topics, is focused on light pollution.
  • Get all information of this articles in a JSON, included tittle, author, abstract, authors, keyWords, doi and licence.


  • Make sure you have the latest version of the browser Google Chrome browser on your computer.
  • You need a persistent internet connection


Download a version of the WebCrawler's from our releases page, that includes a jar and a exe, which needs to be given permissions on your machine.


WebCrawler provides a command line application:

$java -jar WebCrawler.jar --help 
usage: PDFExtractor [-h] [-i <inputFolder>] [-k <keywords>] [-s
Mised argument
 -h,--help                  Indicate how yo use the program.
 -i,--input <inputFolder>   [REQUIRED] Input folder where download the
                            content. Ex: /Users/jesus/aFolder
 -k,--keyword <keywords>    [REQUIRED] Keyword to search the PDF files
 -s,--sources <sourceWeb>   [OPTIONAL] Choose the information source.
                            (ZENODO, DARKSKY, ALL). Default: ALL

Building from Source

Clone this repo and run:

mvn clean compile assembly:single

Then, get your own version of the jar in the project's target folder.

OEG Laboratory STARS4ALL