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These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.

Dependency on anyenv

I have made the decision to use anyenv to manage various programming language installations instead of attempting to install them via a platform's package repository or downloading the pacakge myself. Thus, installing Python, Ruby, or Go will first install anyenv, then pyenv (and pyenv-virtualenv), rbenv, and goenv, respectively.


Use make help to get a list of things you can do.

usage: make [target]

  anyenv                          Install anyenv to manage **envs.
  goenv                           Install goenv via anyenv.
  pyenv                           Install pyenv via anyenv.
  rbenv                           Install rbenv via anyenv.

  go                              Install Go (using goenv).
  go-tools                        Install some useful Go tools (golint, cover).
  python2                         Install Python 2 (uses pyenv).
  python3                         Install Python 3 (uses pyenv).
  ruby                            Install Ruby (uses rbenv).

  build                           Run the bin, dotfiles, personal, and keyservers targets.
  all                             Run the default, fonts, go, gotools, and personal targets.

  bin                             Symlink all bin files to $HOME/bin.
  dotfiles                        Symlink all dotfiles to $HOME.
  fonts                           Install fonts using font-install.
  personal                        Install personal tools (sshsrv, font-install, pwhois).
  misc                            Miscellaneous things, like diff-so-fancy.
  keyservers                      Download the latest public certificate for sks-keyservers.

  versions                        Show software versions that will be installed.
  help                            Show this help.
  info                            Print out environment as detected by this Makefile.

  pkgsrc                          (OSX) Install pkgsrc.
  pkgsrc-remove                   (OSX) Remove pkgsrc.
  git                             (OSX) Install git from pkgsrc.


The Makefile and symlinking ideas were borrowed from the most-excellent Jessie Frazelle's dotfiles repo. The rest of the heinous make stuff is my own.