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DCLP Description

James M.S. Cowey edited this page May 18, 2017 · 18 revisions

Differences and Similarities: DCLP ( and HGV/DDB (

File organisation

DCLP files aggregate both metadata and text in the one file. The files are organised according to the TM number.

Content of the files

body/text section

basically works in the same way as the DDBDP section of There have no changes to Leiden+ / xSugar so far. Some tweaks in the planning and perhaps to be carried out in the next few weeks. Things like indenting texts. Addition of text critical mark up are planned. Further proliferation of g types has taken place. Many of these should be re-encoded once we have new Leiden+ for them.

metadata section

Lots of changes to the XML here.

Starting with where there have been no changes:

Date section e.g.

Provenance section e.g.

Changes to physDesc

In we have e.g.


in we have e.g.

                  <objectDesc form="codex">
                        <layout writtenLines="28">
                           <p>papyrus codex (written lines: [28] ?, pagination: 0)</p>

The editor has been modified in order to be able to enter such information. layoutDesc added; some attributes used where there are not any in e.g. @form on objectDesc

Changes to profileDesc

In we have e.g.

            <language ident="fr">Französisch</language>
            <language ident="en">Englisch</language>
            <language ident="de">Deutsch</language>
            <language ident="it">Italienisch</language>
            <language ident="es">Spanisch</language>
            <language ident="la">Latein</language>
            <language ident="el">Griechisch</language>
            <keywords scheme="hgv">
               <term>Tarmuthis an den Strategen Apion</term>
               <term>Überfall durch die Frau eines πρεσβύτερος und ihn selbst</term>
               <term>Zerstörung von Kleidung</term>
               <term>Raub ihrer Ware (Gemüse) und Armreifen (Silber) in Abwesenheit ihres Ehemannes</term>

in we have e.g.

               <term>poetry lyric</term>
               <term type="culture">literature</term>
               <term type="religion">classical</term>
               <term type="overview">Pindarus; Olympian odes 010.1-11, 24-35</term>
            <language ident="en">English</language>
            <language ident="grc">Greek</language>

@types on terms are new