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Democracy (D) and Internet (I) are Yours. MathDIY is a simple mathematical notation for describing business and political decision making, capturing its motivation, tensions and context.

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Democracy (D) and Internet are Yours (Y) stands for a macroeconomic value system created by Jens T. Hinrichs, but he does not yet provide an mobile application or programming interface. However, he has compatible data records for data warehouses (.csv, .tsv) or websites (.json). As of today, the documentation includes more than 274 mathematical formulations and its explanations on more than 130 pages.


MathDIY is a simple mathematical notation for describing business and political decision making, capturing its motivation, tensions, processes and context. It can also be a value-based Management Information System (MIS).

MathDIY makes recommendations and suggestions for how determinants of the Interaction Theory by Jens T. Hinrichs and its philosophical subdisciplines (Catechism of the Internet, Origin of Species on the Internet) can be incorporated into an International Account System (IAS).

The scope extends inevitably to people, nature, democracy and the Internet without Frontiers (IwF), which are to be embedded as variables next to other units in a National Account System (NAS). The initial equation is (D) + I(Y) = Yours (known as Democracy and Internet are Yours). Yield is thus influenced by these two forces.

These new determinants must be reconciled with Y = C + I (known as Yield = Consumption + Investment) including comparable constraints (Y = C + S whereby S = Save). Well-formed syntax allows us to choose addition, subtraction, or insertion method in addition to the equations procedure. All determinants can be converted into a Balanced Scorecard (BSC).

MathDIY finalizes and reflects the balance of Fair External Trade Agreement (FETA) and fundamentally changes the requirements for Diplomatic International Relations (DIR).

On MathDIY, an ecological and social accounting (social balance sheets, Human Development Index, chart of accounts, valuation ratios) based on international added value and value chains should be created. This would make foreign trade and diplomatic relations more comparable and less characterized by scalable economic interests, but based solely on measurable and sustainable facts and valuation standards.


The DNA factors in MathDIY answer whether there is a measure of value for democracies that conduct world trade with autocracies. In addition, these DNA factors should answer whether it makes sense to calculate many times more for bottled water than for sewage, tap water or irrigation.

W(N) Water as a free good indexed with Nature (N) in parenthesis, e.g. natural basin, frozen water. Water as a free good is the economic equivalent to the chemical compound H2O (water) from the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen. Whereby taking into account the importance of water and its fair distribution and allocation among economic actors (government, households, enterprises etc.).
W(G) Available Water from the depth indexed with Ground in parenthesis (G) as factor of production, e.g. stream-ground, drink-water. […]
W [S] Available Surface Water measured with S (Save). Water as a protected resource in the National Account System (NAS) with DNA.
W (HS) Water from Hot Springs. Water as a thermal sources or heat storage […]
W (R1) Water Supply by Rainfall. Water as an estimated or actual rainfall that should affect the value of water rights. […]
W (R2) Water Supply by Deposit in Barrel (bl.) = 158,987 Litres. The amount of water actually made available for the corresponding value chain. […]
W (R3) Water Rights on Stock Exchange per one Million Litres. The current price (or fee) of the legal right on the stock exchange (water trading) to consume one Million Litres of total Water Supply. […]
W [C] Water measured in Consumption. The actual Consumption of Water.
W [Cs] Water measured in Circulation of Speed (Cs) of the Water. The Circulation of Speed of the Water with the water is processed in the specific Infrastructure.
W2 -W1 >0 Water Treatment with indexed number of reporting period. Water Creation (increase) from one reporting period to another […]
W2 -W1 <0 Water Wastage with indexed number of reporting period. Water Damage (decrease) from one reporting period to another […]
W [p] Price [p] as a qualified value for Water measured with a national currency or reserve currency.
W [q] Amount as a quantified [q] value for Water usually measured with an unit (Litres, cbm).
The DNA factors strictly differentiate between the moral perception of individuals, what nature means and how nature is to be ethically evaluated according to democratic principles. The DNA equation in MathDIY is (Y) ≥ Y = (D) × [(N) - (A)]. Essentially, this means nothing other than Democracy and Internet are Yours (Y) is greater than or equal to Yield known as Democracy (D) multiplied with entire Nature (N) minus built up and undeveloped Area (A). So it's very simple. The paradigm shift puts an end to excuses.

🄓 + I(Y)= 🄨 Approach to formation of Yours (Y). Democracy (D) and Internet are Yours (Y) whereby I(Y) ≠ Investment and I= Internet indexed with Yours in parenthesis.
🄨 = 🄓 x [🄝 - 🄐] Approach to use of Yours (Y). Yours (Y) is equal to Democracy (D) multiplied with term Nature (N) minus Area (A). Whereby (A) = built up and undeveloped Area and Total Nature (N) in cubic meters (cbm) from 20,000 Miles below to 20.000 Miles above the mean sea level (MSL). (A) including Built-up Area in height ( e.g. skyscrapers, bridges, agriculture, factories, aviation, orbital satellites and spacecraft) and Developed Area in the deep (e.g. fracking, mining, exploration, fishing, seaports).
🄐 = 🄐b+🄐u Area (A) = built up Area plus undeveloped Area. Summation of built up Area (e.g. skyscrapers, bridges, agriculture, factories, aviation, orbital satellites and spacecraft) and undeveloped Area (e.g. fracking, mining, exploration, fishing, seaports) are both factor of ecosystem.
Y = 🄓 x [🄝 - 🄐] Yield = Yours (Y) comparison between factor of ecosystem. Comparison of Yield with Yours (Y) whereby Democracy (D) multiplied with term Nature (N) minus Area (A) = built up and undeveloped Area. For Y approach to formation or approach to use.
🄖 Ground in parenthesis, factor of production whereby (G) ≤ (A) < (N).
🄦 Work in parenthesis, factor of production. 🄦 ≠ W, Water.
🄒 Capital in parenthesis, factor of production. 🄒 ≠ C, Consumption.
🄟 Product in parenthesis, factor of production. 🄟 ≠ °P - Level of the Price.
H(C) Human indexed with Capital.
H(R) Human indexed with Resources.
H(o)= H(d) Compensation in the labour market: Human indexed with offers (o) equal to Human indexed with demands (d).
H(C) > H(R) Unexploited Human Development: Human Capital greater than Human Resources.
H(o) ÷ H(d) ≤ H(i)
H(o) ÷ H(d) ≤ 2
Full employment whereby H(i) ≤ 2. Quotient of Human offer (o) and demands (d) less than or equal to Human indexed with interest rate (i) known as underemployment rate whereby H(i) ≠ Unemployment Rate (UR).
1🄗 ≤ 9H ≤ 360qm
Household (H) as part of the economic cycle system. Upper case H in parenthesis whereby one unit (H) smaller than or equal to 9 Humans per home address (family or unit according to community of need) but at least 40 squaremeters (sqm) each person.
🄢 State (S) as part of the economic cycle system. Upper case S in parenthesis, but (S) ≠ Save.
🄔 > 🄔s + 🄔m + 🄔l Small, medium, large Entrepreneur/Enterprise as parts of the economic cycle system. Size of Entrepreneur/Enterprise (E) separated in a five-level classification of size by employees, revenues (quantitative) of enterprise or entrepreneur which have tariff regulation (e.g. statutory minimum wage) or not organized by an union whereby unit (E) less than three branches per location (qualitative). (E) indexed with
xs = smallest entrepreneur: ≤ 9 and ≤ 2 Million

s = small-size: ≤ 20 to ≤ 49 and ≤ 10 Million
m = medium-size: 50 to ≤ 499 and ≤ 10 Million
l = large: ≥ 500 and ≤ 50 Million
xl = extra-large: ≥ 1000 and ≥ 50 Million
xxl = oversized: ≥ 10000 and ≥ 1 Billion revenue
🄨 ≥ Y
[🄨2 - 🄨1] ÷ [Y2 - Y1] > 0
Value for Citizen: Yours (Y) is greater than or equal to Yield – Value Creation for Citizen Determinant for Quality whereby difference quotient greater 0.
Y ≥ 🄨
[Y2 - Y1] ÷ [🄨2 - 🄨1] > 0
Value for State: Yield is greater than or equal to Yours (Y) – Value Creation for State Determinant for Quantity whereby difference quotient greater 0.
°🄛☰ Level of media literacy (satisfaction) using the Burger Sign. Upper case L in parenthesis with preceded degree followed by Burger (Citizen) Sign whereby °(L) not Libra nor Leverage Effect/Ratio.
°🄛≋ Level of liquidity for crypto currency (stability) using the Triple Tilde. Upper case L in parenthesis with preceded degree followed by Triple Tilde whereby °(L) not Libra nor Leverage Effect/Ratio.
°🄕 ≤ 360° Optimum Level of Freedom during the Free World Trade. Upper case F in parenthesis with preceded degree smaller than or equal to 360 (optimum).
°🄒 ≤ 100° Optimum Level of Constitution in a domestic economy. Upper case C in parenthesis with preceded degree smaller than or equal to 100 (optimum).
🄓x = AEx - HIm Democracy Deficit: Export of Armaments minus Import of Humanity whereby AEx subset of Export (including mandate and military spending) whereby HIm subset of Import (including asylum application and acquisition of staff from abroad).
🄓2 - 🄓1 > 0 Democracy Benefit between two reporting periods.
🄓2 - 🄓1 < 0 Democracy Deficit between two reporting periods.
Hx = (W)Ex + [H - H] - HIm + ∑H(H) Human Development Index in a reporting period: Work (W) is subset of Export (e.g. brain drain, movement of labour) plus Balance of Human indexed with offers and Human indexed with demands minus Humanity Import plus Human Balance indexed with (H) for consideration of absolute births and death in Households (H). Human Development Index in a reporting period:
Export of Work (W)
+ Human indexed with offers (o)
./. Human indexed with demands (d)
./. Humanity indexed with Import
+ Human Balance of birth and death indexed with Households (H)
= Human Development Index


With MathDIY we turn the previous doctrines upside down. Therefore we visualize the figures in separate files and add them to the folder attachments and show with templates how the principles of MathDIY should be used in practice.
You may have noticed that everyone involved in a process try hard to work in a team, but thinks and acts as individuals. Then MathDIY comes into play.


Democracy (D) and Internet (I) are Yours. MathDIY is a simple mathematical notation for describing business and political decision making, capturing its motivation, tensions and context.







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