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Live Crypto Analysis Dashboard with Django

Please see: data_management/management/commands for ETL process

This project is a comprehensive crypto analysis dashboard that offers real-time insights into cryptocurrency markets. Utilizing Django for the web framework, ccxt for fetching live market data, and PostgreSQL for data storage, the dashboard presents a dynamic view of cryptocurrency metrics, including price movements and volume trends.

-- Project Status: [ongoing]

Project Objective

The aim of this project is to provide a live dashboard for cryptocurrency analysis, enabling the monitoring of real-time market data and trends. The dashboard allows users to view tabular data, visualize cryptocurrency prices, and select different symbols for a tailored analysis. Efficiency in data handling and storage is achieved through pooling, temporary storage, and batch database updates.


  • Python
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Requests
  • asyncio
  • pprint
  • ccxt (for API data fetching)
  • PyArrow
  • SQLAlchemy
  • psycopg2
  • aiofiles
  • Django


  • Data Fetching: Using ccxt as an API wrapper to continuously fetch live cryptocurrency market data.
  • Data Processing: Transforming data types and utilizing temporary JSON storage to accumulate data before batch updating the PostgreSQL database, enhancing efficiency and reducing database load.
  • Web Development: Creating a responsive and interactive dashboard using Django, along with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for frontend development.
  • Visualization: Implementing dynamic visualizations for cryptocurrency prices and trends, allowing users to select different cryptocurrencies for analysis through an interactive dropdown menu.
  • Efficient Data Management: Employing connection pooling and asyncio for efficient data handling and storage, ensuring timely updates to the dashboard without compromising performance.


For further information or to discuss this project in detail, please reach out.

Email: [email protected]


Django dashboard for live Crypto data






No releases published
