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Allows you to watch and download langs files for Dofus Retro.

Is available through a CLI and Class usable in your own code

(Thanks @drag0une for his work)

Table of contents


You can install the retro-langs package with npm

npm i --save retro-langs

If you want to use the cli everywhere you can add the -g option


You can follow the instruction of the help command of the cli

retro-langs --help
retro-langs [command] --help


Watch versions.txt file on DofusRetro CDN

Kind: global class Emits: update, downloaded, watching, error

new Langs(lang, [saveFolder])

Creates an instance of Langs.

Param Type Default Description
lang string Language to watch (if invalid 'fr' is used)
[saveFolder] string "langs" Folder used to save versions.json and swf langs files
build string "prod" lang build type : prod (default), temporis or beta, [downloadNewFiles])

Watch remote versions.txt file

Kind: instance method of Langs

Param Type Default Description
interval number interval in seconds
[downloadNewFiles] boolean false download new swf files on changes


Remove the watcher of the remote versions.txt file

Kind: instance method of Langs


Langs update event

Kind: event emitted by Langs Properties

Name Type Description
lang string Language
files Array.<string> Array of new files names (without extension)
build string lang build type


Lang downloaded event

Kind: event emitted by Langs Properties

Name Type Description
lang string Language
file string File name (without extension)
path string Full path of the downloaded file
build string lang build type


Start watching langs event

Kind: event emitted by Langs Properties

Name Type Description
lang string Language
interval number interval in seconds
saveFolder string Full path of the downloading directory
downloadNewFiles boolean download new swf files
build string lang build type


Error event

Kind: event emitted by Langs Properties

Name Type Description
error error Error message


const Langs = require('retro-langs');
* Watched language is fr
* Working directory is ./output/dir/
* Lang build type is temporis (can also be 'beta' or 'prod' by default)
const langWatcher = new Langs('fr', 'output/dir', 'temporis');

langWatcher.on('update', ({ lang, files, build }) => {
  // an update of langs is available

langWatcher.on('downloaded', ({ lang, file, path, build }) => {
  // a lang file has been downloaded

* Watch every 60s
* Will be downloading every new files on changes
*/, true);